ejtagle / hamachi-fix-ubuntu20.04-or-newer

Fix for Hamachi crashing on Ubuntu 20.04 or newer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Thanks! And here is a Makefile

edmundhighcock opened this issue · comments

Thanks for investigating this, it's been driving me crazy! I have installed it on openSuse Tumbleweed, and so far it is running without seeing the same issue. I made a Makefile which does this whole installation and allows uninstall: here it is in case it is useful (and feel free to include it in the repo).

At the moment you use the makefile by putting in a clean folder and running make all, and it then clones the repo and builds & installs it. If you place it in the top level of the repo itself, you would need to set CODE_FOLDER= and CD_CODE_FOLDER= (i.e. empty).

# Licence: MIT
# Author: edmundhighcock@users.sourceforge.net

# These variables tested on openSUSE Tumbleweed

.PHONY: all new_binary uninstall clean

all: new_binary

	git clone git@github.com:ejtagle/hamachi-fix-ubuntu20.04-or-newer.git $@

$(CODE_FOLDER)hamachid-patcher.so: hamachi-fix
	$(CD_CODE_FOLDER)gcc -fPIC -O2 -Wall -o hamachid-patcher.so -shared hamachid-patcher.c 

$(CODE_FOLDER)hamachid: $(CODE_FOLDER)hamachid-patcher.so
	$(CD_CODE_FOLDER)gcc -fPIC -O2 -Wall -o hamachid hamachid.c

$(LIBRARY): $(CODE_FOLDER)hamachid-patcher.so
	sudo cp $^ $@

	sudo mv $(BIN) $@

new_binary: $(CODE_FOLDER)hamachid $(LOGMEIN_BIN) $(LIBRARY)
	sudo cp $(CODE_FOLDER)hamachid $(BIN)

	sudo mv $(LOGMEIN_BIN) $(BIN)
	sudo rm $(LIBRARY)

	rm $(CODE_FOLDER)hamachid
	rm $(CODE_FOLDER)hamachid-patcher.so