ejschmitt / delayed_job_web

Resque like web interface for delayed job

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DelayedJobWeb responds forbidden with Chrome Version 42.0

eiked opened this issue · comments


mount DelayedJobWeb => '/admin/tools/delayed_jobs'

This used to work well.

But I now get back a page with status 403 and body: 'Forbidden'
when using Chrome Version 42.0 (it did work with Chrome before)
(fails both in development and production mode)

It still does work as expected when using Firefox v37.0.2

This somehow sounds like they changed something in Chrome that does trigger this bug.
(As it did work before with Chrome and still works with Firefox)


  • delayed_job_web (1.2.10)
  • rails 4.2.1
  • ruby 2.2.2p95

I started getting Forbidden errors as soon as I upgraded to Firefox 41.0.1. Was working great until then.
delayed_job_web 1.2.10
rails 4.2.4
ruby 2.2.2p95

having same issue; it's actually stranger than this, I'm using chrome with two profiles, and for my main profile I get 'Forbidden', but my developer profile can still access it fine.
I've compared cookies and requests, but couldn't find any obvious issues there.

This still seems like an issue with Chrome 67. Works fine with Firefox. Strange! My issue only happens when authenticating the route...

authenticated :user, -> user { user.is_administrator? }  do
    mount DelayedJobWeb, at: "/delayed_job"

Chrome seems to work fine without auth.

I had this issue, I downloaded and chrome extension to clear my App Cache, Cache, and Cookies. This solved it for me. Best of luck!