ejschmitt / delayed_job_web

Resque like web interface for delayed job

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


nathany opened this issue · comments

When pressing Retry on a failed job, we see a page that says "Forbidden".

This seems to have been introduced in 1.2.6/1.2.7.

This would be related to #57 which returns forbidden if the submitted CSRF token doesn't match. It could be a more general problem with the session store. Could you inspect the form to see if it does have the CSRF token?

No CSRF token here:

<form action="/delayed_job/requeue/all" method="POST">
    <input type="submit" value="Retry Failed Jobs">

Fyi, we use the activerecord-session_store gem (if that matters).

Rails 4.0.3, Ruby 2.1.1

@nathany I couldn't replicate this locally.

Could you update your Gemfile with the #62 fixes and let me know if that fixes it?

gem "delayed_job_web", github: "toolmantim/delayed_job_web", branch: "fix-rails-sessions"

I'm getting this issue again. This time, only on staging / production (on Heroku) but there's no useful log besides 403 error. It somehow works on dev environment so I can't get any information about this, but might be related with updating Rails 4.1...

We're locked at 1.2.5.