ejschmitt / delayed_job_web

Resque like web interface for delayed job

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Update readme

cimtico opened this issue · comments

Readme routing step says:

get "/delayed_job" => DelayedJobWeb, :anchor => false

but for all the interactions to work it should say:

match '/delayed_job' => DelayedJobWeb, :anchor => false, :via => :all

Hi @cimtico. We just proposed this change to add a post route as well, would that solve your issue? I think match was deprecated in Rails 4. #43

I sent that PR but didn't get a chance to test it. If you're able to verify that a post route solves the issue, I can merge in the documentation change. Thanks!

Hi, and thanks for the quick reply.
My app is running on Rails 4 and match is still supported (but it requires the ":via => ..." setting to work correctly).
The post route would also work. I proposed the "match via all" so it would handle get and post to anything under the specified route. But adding the post manually should also work.

@cimtico Thanks for pointing out the via part of the route. I think that is a better solution, so I changed the PR to set that for get and post. I was given commit rights so I merged that in here 4fcafee. Can I close the issue?

sure go ahead.
Thanks for the quick update 👍