eisterman / MurPy

Python internal programming language transpiled in Brainfuck

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MurPy - Brainfuck Transpiler

MurPy is a toolkit and a programming language transpiled in Brainfuck all written in Python 3. In future MurPy will support multiple routine and a variant of the Object Oriented Programmation.

At now MurPy is in PRE-ALPHA and its design can change radically over time.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


All you need is Python 3.4 or successive.


Simply open a new Python Script (.py) and write a main function with the Code and the right import:

from murpy.commands.memory.stack import VAR, SET  # Commands used (memory)
from murpy.commands.operators.math import ADD, SUB, MUL  # Commands used (math)
from murpy.commands.controlflow.IF import IF, ELSE, ENDIF  # Commands used (conditions)
from murpy.commands.operators.compare import GR, EQ  # Commands used (comparation)

from murpy.compiletools import Environment  # Compiler

def main():  # Entry point of the program
    VAR("A", 5)
    VAR("B", 0)
    VAR("hello", 5)
    SET("B", 4)
    SET("A", EQ("A", "hello"))
    SET("B", 1)
    VAR("C", 3)

Write in the compilation main of the script the compile procedure:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    env = Environment()

Now you have the code in the property env.BFCode. For example put it in a file:

    with open('out.bf', 'w') as file:

In the file demoMurPy.py there is a demo with a Brainfuck Virtual Machine ready at use.

Running the tests

There is included with the package a set of unittest scripts in the folder /murpy/tests and in the root a script run_test.py for the automatic run of all the test included in the package without the explicit use of the unittest module manually from the user.


  • Federico Pasqua - Initial work, Design, Coding - eisterman

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.


Python internal programming language transpiled in Brainfuck

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%