eiriktsarpalis / QuotationCompiler

Quotation Compilation library that uses FSharp.Compiler.Service

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Struggling to get the library working

cognociente opened this issue · comments

I am trying to reference the latest version 0.0.7 via nuget and can't get the hello world sample working in a simple Console Application test project EVEN using all the tricks I learned to get it working from last time.


An unhandled exception of type 'QuotationCompiler.QuotationCompilerException' occurred in QuotationCompiler.dll

Additional information: Compilation failed with errors:

** unknown (1,1)-(1,81) parse error Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Build.Framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.


I am using VS2015. I have tried using both F# 4.0 and 3.1 mainly in conjunction with .NET framework 4.5.2
It is pulling in the lowest compatible version of FSCS, being (it seems to break earlier in the process if I use more up-to-date versions of FSCS)
I have set the FSharp.Core library to NOT make a local copy st FSCS can pick up the optdata and sigdata from the common location [this is what fixed it last time]
I have also tried with a local copy of FSharp.Core (in bin\debug) with the optdata & sigdata copied into this directory.
I have also tried fiddling in the app.config file with the binding redirects of FSharp.Core to no avail.

Help would be much appreciated.


The library has not been tested for VS2015. You should use VS2013. Adding support for VS2015 and the F# 4.0 compiler requires considerable work (including moving to FSCS > 1.4 and adding support for the updated quotation representations), for which unfortunately I do not currently have the time.

I would be happy to accept pull requests that address this issue, though.

Thanks for the info. For a start am I correct in saying that it should be able to work under the following (maximum/latest version) configuration without changes to the code base:

.NET 4.5.2
F# 3.1
FSCS < 1.4

(Implicit in the above is that I presume it is not VS2015 that is the problem but F# 4.0 & .NET 4.6)

Yes but keep in mind that VS 2015 still uses the F# 4.0 compiler even if your projects target FSharp.Core 3.1

I did a bit of further digging and testing a while ago which involved some (temporary) resolution of the issue. See the following:


In summary: It didn't seem to be an F# version thing; instead it needed a manual assembly resolution to the MSBUILD assemblies.

It also does not work in VS2017. I've played with versions of fsharp compiler services, but ran into a lot of issues.