ehuss / Sublime-Wrap-Plus

Enhanced "wrap lines" command for Sublime Text 2 or 3.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Doesn't work for multiple blocks

john-cj opened this issue · comments


Consider this test file saved as

# aaa bbb ccc
# ddd eee fff
# ggg hhh iii
# jjj kkk lll
# mmm nnn ooo
# ppp qqq rrr

# sss ttt uuu
# vvv www xxx
# yyy zzz

# aaa bbb ccc
# ddd eee fff
# ggg hhh iii
# jjj kkk lll
# mmm nnn ooo
# ppp qqq rrr

Select all lines and press Alt-Q. Only the first block will be wrapped.

Win7, ST