ehuss / Sublime-Wrap-Plus

Enhanced "wrap lines" command for Sublime Text 2 or 3.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Semantic line wrapping support

evandrocoan opened this issue · comments

On the article:

  1. Semantic Linefeeds

It is explained about the Semantic Linefeeds word wrapping. Therefore I would suggest a setting for this package which do the semantic line wrapping when calling the "command": "wrap_lines_plus".

For wrapping lines, it would break them on the semantic key symbols, and at the column width if the lines became longer then the current usual/normal width.


  1. Using Sublime Text to ensure one sentence per line in LaTeX documents
  2. bordaigorl/sublime-semantic-wrap

@ehuss could you speak to this issue? Do you plan on supporting semantic line wrapping?