ehuss / Sublime-Wrap-Plus

Enhanced "wrap lines" command for Sublime Text 2 or 3.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Not showing up in Package Control

rafegoldberg opened this issue · comments

♡ Sublime Wrap Plus; really useful ‘lil plugin! but I was recently setting up a clean install of Sublime on a new laptop and couldn't find it in the Package Control “Install Package” panel. I ended up installing directly from the repo but I figured I'd letchya know! Anyway, keep making awesome things my man– thanks for the plugin!

Hm, that's strange. Seems to show up for me (and is still listed on packagecontrol).

I would check that it isn't already installed (installed_packages), or that it isn't listed in ignored_packages, or if package control is showing any errors in the console.

I know; thought it was weird that it was still on the Package Control site but... yep, you called it– I'd accidentally added it to the ignore list! dumb