ehuss / Sublime-Wrap-Plus

Enhanced "wrap lines" command for Sublime Text 2 or 3.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Base File.sublime-settings conflict

mattst opened this issue · comments

The use of Base File.sublime-settings conflicts with both the Alignment and DocBlockr packages and probably several others.

I suspect the problem has arisen because the plugin developers misunderstood this documentation page, which is far from clear, and did not realize that Base File.sublime-settings is an example which should be replaced by Package Name.sublime-settings.

I have to use User/Base File.sublime-settings for both my Alignment and Wrap Plus settings instead of being able to use User/Alignment.sublime-settings and User/Wrap Plus.sublime-settings which is what the design for the Sublime Text settings system intended.

Hope this helps.

P.S. Thanks for the excellent plugin, v. useful.

Why do you think it is a conflict? "Base File" is a global definition file, it is used on purpose. The reason for doing it this way is because it gives you the flexibility to define these settings per-syntax and per-project. If you want to define these settings globally, it probably makes more sense to put them in User/Preferences.sublime-setings. For your reference, you can put them in any of the following:

  1. User/Preferences.sublime-settings
  2. Project Settings
  3. User/<syntax>.sublime-settings
  4. User/Distraction Free.sublime-settings