ehuss / Sublime-Wrap-Plus

Enhanced "wrap lines" command for Sublime Text 2 or 3.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CoffeeScript translation/Atom port

chriskrycho opened this issue · comments

@ehuss, I'm looking at doing a CoffeeScript translation of the algorithm and making the necessary changes to use this as an Atom plugin, probably after the start of the year. However, before proceeding, I wanted to check with you: there's no license specified in the code (at least that I can find), so I didn't want to step on your toes. Would you be alright with my doing that? I would be sure to credit you explicitly.

Related, can you add a license for this? (I can open an issue for that if you like.)

I've already done most of the work. I've given up on Atom for a while, so I never finished it. I'll check in what I have later today, and let you know what is left to be done.

Very good. As noted above, it'll probably be around the start of the year before I get to it, but I'd be happy to finish it up then.

I pushed what I have to It looks like the Atom API has changed a lot since I last touched it, so it's not in a working state. The specs pass with a large number of deprecation warnings, but the command itself isn't launching. I spent a little time trying to figure it out, but it wasn't obvious with a quick perusal. Feel free to use it as a starting point if you want.

Very good. I’ve gone ahead and forked it at, and will hopefully get to work on it after the start of the year. Much obliged!