ehuss / Sublime-Wrap-Plus

Enhanced "wrap lines" command for Sublime Text 2 or 3.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Consider markdown lists and code

opened this issue · comments

Your plugin works great for text, I need it for markdown though so it is very nice that lists are considered but unfortunately links and code blocks are not. Links are broken in the middle of the URL and code blocks shouldn't be touched. Regards.

Can you give an example of a link that will not wrap properly?


*For visual illustration along these docs check the [screenshots]( in the `screenshots` folder.*

Hm, I'm not having a problem with that. At 80 columns I get:

*For visual illustration along these docs check the
in the `screenshots` folder.*

where the last 4 characters ("ots)") extend past the 80th column. Do you have Sublime's visual word-wrap mode (View->Word Wrap) turned on? That will cause problems, but hard newlines are not inserted by it (see by selecting the text).

Before Alt+Q:

After Alt+Q:

Could it be the case the you are using newer version than the one in Package Control?

Oh, I'm sorry, I should have picked up on that. Add these to your preferences file:

"WrapPlus.break_long_words": false,
"WrapPlus.break_on_hyphens": false,

It doesn't do any semantic parsing, so that's the best we have for now.

Great, thanks.