ehsoc / rest

experimental web resource abstraction for composing REST APIs in Go (Golang).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Rest is an experimental web resource abstraction for composing REST APIs in Go (Golang).

  • Rapid prototyping.
  • Web Server generation (http.Handler)
  • REST API Specification generation (OpenAPI v2)

Base components:

  • API: It's the root that contains resources and server information. Also, it generates the server handler and the API specification.
  • Resource: Each resource is a node in a URL path, and contains methods and other resources.

Code example:

api := rest.NewAPI("/api/v1", "localhost", "My simple car API", "v1")

api.Resource("car", func(r *rest.Resource) {
	r.Resource("findMatch", func(r *rest.Resource) {
	carID := rest.NewURIParameter("carID", reflect.String)
	r.ResourceP(carID, func(r *rest.Resource) {

api.Resource("ping", func(r *rest.Resource) {

api.Resource("user", func(r *rest.Resource) {
	r.Resource("signOut", func(r *rest.Resource) {

Diagram of the above code:

                                     |   API     |
                          +----------+   "/2"    +-----------+
                          |          |           |           |
                          |          +-----+-----+           |
                          |                |                 |
                   +------v-----+    +-----v------+    +-----v------+
                   |  Resource  |    |  Resource  |    |  Resource  |
       +-----------+   "car"    |    |   "ping"   |    |  "user"    |
       |           |            |    |            |    |            |
       |           +-----+------+    +------------+    +-----+------+
       |                 |                                   |
+------v-----+     +-----v------+                      +-----v------+
|  Resource  |     |  Resource  |                      |  Resource  |
| "findMatch"|     | "{carId}"  |                      |  "signOut" |
|            |     |            |                      |            |
+------------+     +------------+                      +------------+

API methods:

  • GenerateServer(g rest.ServerGenerator) http.Handler
  • GenerateSpec(w io.Writer, api rest.API)


api := rest.NewAPI("/v1", "localhost", "My simple car API", "v1")
// Generating OpenAPI v2 specification to standard output
api.GenerateSpec(os.Stdout, &oaiv2.OpenAPIV2SpecGenerator{})
// Generating server handler
server := api.GenerateServer(chigenerator.ChiGenerator{})


Resource main components:

  • Methods: A collection of HTTP methods.
  • Resources: Collection of child resources.


api.Resource("user", func(r *rest.Resource) {
    // Method
    r.Get(getUser, ct)
    // Resource
    r.Resource("logout", func(r *rest.Resource) {
        // Method
        r.Get(logOut, ct)

ResourceP (URI parameter Resource)

ResourceP creates a new URI parameter resource node. The first argument must be a Parameter of URIParameter type. Use NewURIParameter to create one.


carID := rest.NewURIParameter("carID", reflect.String)
r.ResourceP(carID, func(r *rest.Resource) {
    r.Get(getCar, ct).WithParameter(carID)

In the example the route to get a car will be /car/{carID}, where {carID} is the variable part.


A Method represents an HTTP method with an HTTP Handler. A default handler will make sense of the method specification and return the appropriate HTTP response. The specification elements to be managed by the default handler are: Content negotiation, security, validation, and operation.

  • MethodOperation: Describes an Operation and responses (Response for success and failure).
  • ContentTypes: Describes the available content-types and encoder/decoders for request and responses.
  • Negotiator: Interface for content negotiation. A default implementation will be set when you create a Method.
  • SecurityCollection: Is the security definition.
  • Parameters: The parameters expected to be sent by the client. The main purpose of the declaration of parameters is for API specification generation.
  • Handler: The http.Handler of the method. The default handler will be set when you create a new Method.


Represents a logical operation upon a resource, like delete, list, create, ping, etc. Operation is an interface defined by an Execute method.

Execute method

  • Inputs: Input type

  • Output: body interface{}, success bool, and err error .

    1. body (interface{}): Is the body that is going to be send to the client.(Optional)
    2. success (bool): If the value is true, it will trigger the successResponse (argument passed in the NewMethodOperation function). If the value is false, it will trigger the failResponse (set it with WithFailResponse method). False means that the most positive operation output didn't happened, but is not an API nor a client error.
    3. err (error): The err(error) is meant to indicate an API error, or any internal server error, like a database failure, i/o error, etc. The err!=nil will always trigger a 500 code error.


                               |                |
                               |     Method     |
                               |                |
                               |                |
                           +---+ MethodOperation+---+
                           |   |                |   |
Your operation method      |   +--------+-------+   |
goes here                  |            |           |
      +                    |            |           |
      |             +------+----+ +-----+-----+ +---+-------+
      |             |           | | Response  | |  Response |
      +-----------> | Operation | | success   | |  fail     |
                    |           | |           | |           |
                    +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+

Full code example:

// Responses
successResponse := rest.NewResponse(200).WithOperationResultBody(Car{})
failResponse := rest.NewResponse(404)

getCarOperation := func(i rest.Input) (body interface{}, success bool, err error) {
    carID, err := i.GetURIParam("carID")

    if err != nil {
        log.Println("error getting parameter: ", err)
        return Car{}, false, err

    if carID == "error" {
        // Internal error trying to get the car. This will trigger a response code 500
        return nil, false, errors.New("Internal error")

    if carID != "101" {
        // Car not found, success is false, no error. This will trigger the `failResponse` (response code 404)
        return nil, false, nil

    // Car found, success true, error nil. This will trigger the `successResponse` (response code 200)
    return Car{carID, "Foo"}, true, nil
// Method Operation
getCar := rest.NewMethodOperation(rest.OperationFunc(getCarOperation), successResponse).WithFailResponse(failResponse)
// ContentTypes
ct := rest.NewContentTypes()
ct.Add("application/json", encdec.JSONEncoderDecoder{}, true)

api := rest.NewAPI("/v1", "localhost", "My simple car API", "v1")
api.Resource("car", func(r *rest.Resource) {
    carID := rest.NewURIParameter("carID", reflect.String)
    r.ResourceP(carID, func(r *rest.Resource) {
        r.Get(getCar, ct).WithParameter(carID)
// Generating OpenAPI v2 specification to standard output
api.GenerateSpec(os.Stdout, &oaiv2.OpenAPIV2SpecGenerator{})

// Generating server routes
server := api.GenerateServer(chigenerator.ChiGenerator{})
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", server)


experimental web resource abstraction for composing REST APIs in Go (Golang).

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%