egoist / styled-vue

Use dynamic styles in Vue single-file components.

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Define CSS variables directly via component option

egoist opened this issue · comments


export default {
  cssVariables() {
	return {
	  fontSize: this.size + 'px'

<style scoped>
h1 {
  font-size: var(--fontSize);

Doesn't feels quite as elegant to me, but it definitely helps when you need to be explicit about the units you're using. I have no idea what the overhead might be, but I think having a css var available for every data item/prop would be nicer than having to be explicit about what is available to the style block. I think data/props with a number type could probably default to px as well (unless it's 0).

This feels Vue-like. You have to tell the templates what components are available, so why not tell style blocks which variables are available?