egoist / rollup-plugin-postcss

Seamless integration between Rollup and PostCSS.

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No option to generate moduler css along with one single css which will load separately into dom

OmKessarwani opened this issue · comments

I have below post css config where I'm generating css from scss file in moduler way. But I have one global scss file which I want to load direct into dom.My current code inject that gloabl scss into each module.

      use: [
        ['sass', { data: '@import "./src/commonStyles/_commoncss.scss";' }] // global scss injection into each `module`
      plugins: [
          // Resolve SCSS imports and convert to CSS
          resolve: function (filename, base) {
            return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                  file: `${base}/${filename}`
                function (err, result) {
                  if (err) {
                  } else {
                      contents: result.css.toString()
      modules: true, // // Include CSS in the JavaScript bundle
      extract: false // Do not extract CSS into a separate file