eerimoq / simba

Simba Embedded Programming Platform.

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toomyem opened this issue · comments

File for esp01 board expects to find in 3pp/esptool directory, but there is only binary esptool.

esptool_path = os.path.join(os.environ["SIMBA_ROOT"],

Unfortunately I don't remember why I replaced the python esptool with the compiled one. The commit message is not very descriptive. Looks like other boards are using the compiled tool. I must have forgotten to update the esp01 board. It should work for that board as well, I hope.

Maybe because for esp01 you are using boot_v1.4.bin and "write_flash" function?

What's more, in you are using scripts for esp12:

BOARD_PY = $(SIMBA_ROOT)/src/boards/esp12e/
RUN_PY ?= $(SIMBA_ROOT)/src/boards/esp12e/

Actually, at a closer look in for ESP01 one can find that esp12/ is used.

So there is a chance the upload works. Was a long time since I last used that board.

In the "Hardware setup" section of the manual there is a picture with description saying that there is esp01 in the test bed. So I thought that it is being tested and running.

Actually I was able to flash sample "hello world" type application but what I get are only boot messages, not a "hello" message I'm expecting. But this is another story and I have to take a closer look.

The test setup is a little dusty. Last time I used it was when the latest release was created, about a year ago. =)

FWIW, I think the better long term fix is to just switch to the official I have been using it for a while since I frequently flash from a Raspberry Pi (IE. ARM) so the compiled esptool from Simba doesn't work.

As a bonus, the official compress the image during transfer, so is generally faster than the esptool binary.

This has worked fine on all the ESP8266's I have tried.

Feel free to create a PR replacing the compiled program with the latest Python scripts. I can dust off some of my ESP boards to help out testing.

I see you are already using in esp-idf module, but it is not in newest version.
What do you think would be better. Just replace esptool in 3pp/esptool with taken from Espressiff repository, or add this repository as submodule attached in 3pp/esptool directory?

Coming back after a few days ( got pulled away from projects at home by greater powers ), I see that this issue is being looked after by @toomyem (thanks!). I think this will resolve the issue I raised (and planned to work on a few weeks ago) #176.

I guess we can close both issues now.

@toomyem Thanks for the contribution, always appreciated increasing the quality of the project.