eed3si9n / scalaxb

scalaxb is an XML data binding tool for Scala.

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Invalid code generation for rpc style SoapBindings

bofur opened this issue · comments


There is some wsdl snippet for example:

 <wsdl:message name="ProcessTransactionResponse">

      <wsdl:part name="ResponseData" type="impl:ResponseDataType"/>


Here is generated code:

  trait SoapBindings { this: scalaxb.Soap11ClientsAsync =>
    lazy val targetNamespace: Option[String] = Some("")
    lazy val service: com.exmple.Port = new SoapBinding {}
    def baseAddress = new"")

    trait SoapBinding extends Port {
      import scalaxb.ElemName._
      def processTransaction(requestData: com.example.RequestDataType)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[ com.example.ResponseDataType] = 
        soapClient.requestResponse(scala.xml.Elem(targetNamespace map {defaultScope.getPrefix(_)} getOrElse {""}, "ProcessTransaction", scala.xml.Null, defaultScope, true,
          scalaxb.toXML(requestData, Some(""), "equestData", defaultScope): _*),
            Nil, defaultScope, baseAddress, "POST", Some(new"urn:%23ProcessTransaction"))).transform({ case (header, body) => 
            scalaxb.fromXML[com.example.ResponseDataType]((body.head \ "responseData").head, Nil) }, {
              case x => x

We have ResponseData in scheme, but responseData in generated code. So, (body.head \ "responseData") return empty NodeSeq

Camel case conversation have been added in this request.