eduardofilo / RG350_adam_image

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Alias entry for "yumefuda" causes crash when "Tidy rom names" is enabled

vonmillhausen opened this issue · comments

In the main alias.txt included in Adam 1.4.1's Simplemenu build, the entry on line 7140 reads:

yumefuda=(Medal) Yumefuda [BET]

When the "Tidy rom names" Simplemenu option is enabled (which it is by default), this causes everything from the first ( character onwards in the rom name to be stripped. In the case of this arcade game, as the aliased name begins with a ( it creates a blank entry in the game list, and scrolling over it crashes Simplemenu. Technically this is an up-stream Simplemenu bug (which I've also filed here: fgl82/simplemenu#199), but it can be worked-around in Adam by altering this line in the alias file (it's the only one that begins with at ().

@vonmillhausen Nice catch!

FYI... if you want the alias name to show up as it should in SimpleMenu, change it to:
yumefuda=(Medal) Yumefuda [BET](

SimpleMenu should then only strip out everything from the second ( open-bracket onwards.

Thanks for reporting @vonmillhausen. @neilswann80 has already prepared a patch for the next revision.

Fixed in v1.4.2.