edluffy / hologram.nvim

👻 A cross platform terminal image viewer for Neovim. Extensible and fast, written in Lua and C. Works on macOS and Linux.

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Image not showing

GustavoPrietoP opened this issue · comments

Im currently using kitty and it seems like whenever i run the command :lua require('hologram').add_image(0, vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/evil.png", 20, 50) I get no error but i also get no image. I wonder if you could help.

Not sure whats happening here. May work if you try and run the command via a keymap?

still nothing

Is ImageMagick installed? - check by running kitty +kitten icat .../evil.png in a terminal instance which should produce a result.

it displays the image correctly. It doesn't seem to give any errors just the image won't show. I'm not the only one having issues with it, a friend of mines also tested and it seems like it doesn't work for him as well