editor-js / paragraph

Paragraph Tool for Editor.js 2.0

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Paragraph text alignment (Feature Request)

gopumon opened this issue · comments

It would be nice to have an option to choose text alignment (left, center or right) for the paragraph.

Very much so! I have struggled one full week trying to figure this out. Any ideas??

We will include this feature to the plan of next updates

Thank you! Looking forward to it.

Is there any hack I can use for now in the meantime?

Hi, you can try the hack i did. Take a look.
It will add classes (text-right, text-left or text-center)

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  • Build styles



  • @typedef {object} ParagraphConfig
  • @Property {string} placeholder - placeholder for the empty paragraph
  • @Property {boolean} preserveBlank - Whether or not to keep blank paragraphs when saving editor data


  • @typedef {Object} ParagraphData
  • @description Tool's input and output data format
  • @Property {String} text — Paragraph's content. Can include HTML tags:
    class Paragraph {
    • Default placeholder for Paragraph Tool
    • @return {string}
    • @constructor
      static get DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER() {
      return ''


  • Render plugin`s main Element and fill it with saved data
  • @param {object} params - constructor params
  • @param {ParagraphData} params.data - previously saved data
  • @param {ParagraphConfig} params.config - user config for Tool
  • @param {object} params.api - editor.js api
    constructor({ data, config, api }) {
    this.api = api
this._CSS = {
  block: this.api.styles.block,
  wrapper: 'ce-paragraph',
this.CSS = {
  baseClass: this.api.styles.block,
  loading: this.api.styles.loader,
  input: this.api.styles.input,
  settingsButton: this.api.styles.settingsButton,
  settingsButtonActive: this.api.styles.settingsButtonActive,

   * Tool's classes
  imageHolder: 'utd-image__picture',
  caption: 'utd-image__caption',
  link: 'utd-image__link',

this.onKeyUp = this.onKeyUp.bind(this)

 * Placeholder for paragraph if it is first Block
 * @type {string}
this._placeholder = config.placeholder ? config.placeholder : Paragraph.DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER
this._data = {}
this._element = this.drawView(data)
this._preserveBlank = config.preserveBlank !== undefined ? config.preserveBlank : false

this.data = data

this.settings = [
    name: 'text-left',
    icon: `<svg class="svg-icon" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
    <path fill="none" d="M1.683,3.39h16.676C18.713,3.39,19,3.103,19,2.749s-0.287-0.642-0.642-0.642H1.683
    c-0.354,0-0.641,0.287-0.641,0.642S1.328,3.39,1.683,3.39z M1.683,7.879h11.545c0.354,0,0.642-0.287,0.642-0.641
    s-0.287-0.642-0.642-0.642H1.683c-0.354,0-0.641,0.287-0.641,0.642S1.328,7.879,1.683,7.879z M18.358,11.087H1.683
    name: 'text-center',
    icon: `<svg class="svg-icon" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
    <path fill="none" d="M1.686,3.327h16.754c0.356,0,0.645-0.288,0.645-0.644c0-0.356-0.288-0.645-0.645-0.645H1.686
        c-0.356,0-0.644,0.288-0.644,0.645C1.042,3.039,1.33,3.327,1.686,3.327z M4.263,6.549c-0.356,0-0.644,0.288-0.644,0.645
        c0,0.356,0.288,0.644,0.644,0.644h11.599c0.356,0,0.645-0.288,0.645-0.644c0-0.356-0.288-0.645-0.645-0.645H4.263z M18.439,11.06
        C19.084,11.348,18.796,11.06,18.439,11.06z M15.218,15.57H5.552c-0.356,0-0.645,0.288-0.645,0.645c0,0.355,0.289,0.644,0.645,0.644
    name: 'text-right',
    icon: `<svg class="svg-icon" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
    <path fill="none" d="M1.321,3.417h17.024C18.707,3.417,19,3.124,19,2.762c0-0.362-0.293-0.655-0.654-0.655H1.321
        c-0.362,0-0.655,0.293-0.655,0.655C0.667,3.124,0.959,3.417,1.321,3.417z M18.346,15.857H8.523c-0.361,0-0.655,0.293-0.655,0.654
        c0,0.362,0.293,0.655,0.655,0.655h9.822c0.361,0,0.654-0.293,0.654-0.655C19,16.15,18.707,15.857,18.346,15.857z M18.346,11.274
        S18.707,11.274,18.346,11.274z M18.346,6.69H6.56c-0.362,0-0.655,0.293-0.655,0.655C5.904,7.708,6.198,8,6.56,8h11.786


renderSettings() {
let wrapper = document.createElement('div')

this.settings.forEach(tune => {
  let el = document.createElement('div')

  el.innerHTML = tune.icon

  el.addEventListener('click', () => {

  el.classList.toggle(!this.CSS.settingsButtonActive, this.data[tune.name])
return wrapper



  • Check if text content is empty and set empty string to inner html.
  • We need this because some browsers (e.g. Safari) insert
    into empty contenteditanle elements
  • @param {KeyboardEvent} e - key up event
    onKeyUp(e) {
    if (e.code !== 'Backspace' && e.code !== 'Delete') {
const { textContent } = this._element

if (textContent === '') {
  this._element.innerHTML = ''



  • Create Tool's view
  • @return {HTMLElement}
  • @Private
    drawView(data) {
    let c = data.class ? data.class : ''
    let div = document.createElement('DIV')
    div.classList.add(this._CSS.wrapper, this._CSS.block)
    if (c) {
div.contentEditable = true
div.dataset.placeholder = this.api.i18n.t(this._placeholder)

div.addEventListener('keyup', this.onKeyUp)

return div



  • Return Tool's view
  • @returns {HTMLDivElement}
  • @public
    render() {
    return this._element


  • Method that specified how to merge two Text blocks.
  • Called by Editor.js by backspace at the beginning of the Block
  • @param {ParagraphData} data
  • @public
    merge(data) {
    let newData = {
    text: this.data.text + data.text,
    class: this.data.class,
this.data = newData



  • Validate Paragraph block data:
    • check for emptiness
  • @param {ParagraphData} savedData — data received after saving
  • @returns {boolean} false if saved data is not correct, otherwise true
  • @public
    validate(savedData) {
    if (savedData.text.trim() === '' && !this._preserveBlank) {
    return false
return true



  • Extract Tool's data from the view
  • @param {HTMLDivElement} toolsContent - Paragraph tools rendered view
  • @returns {ParagraphData} - saved data
  • @public
    save(toolsContent) {
    return {
    text: toolsContent.innerHTML,
    class: toolsContent.classList[2],


  • On paste callback fired from Editor.
  • @param {PasteEvent} event - event with pasted data
    onPaste(event) {
    const data = {
    text: event.detail.data.innerHTML,
this.data = data



  • Enable Conversion Toolbar. Paragraph can be converted to/from other tools
    static get conversionConfig() {
    return {
    export: 'text', // to convert Paragraph to other block, use 'text' property of saved data
    import: 'text', // to covert other block's exported string to Paragraph, fill 'text' property of tool data


  • Sanitizer rules
    static get sanitize() {
    return {
    text: {
    br: true,


  • Get current Tools`s data
  • @returns {ParagraphData} Current data
  • @Private
    get data() {
    let text = this._element.innerHTML
    let c = this._element.classList
this._data.text = text
this._data.class = c[2]

return this._data



  • Store data in plugin:
    • at the this._data property
    • at the HTML
  • @param {ParagraphData} data — data to set
  • @Private
    set data(data) {
    this._data = data || {}
this._element.innerHTML = this._data.text || ''
// this._element.classList = this._data.class



  • Used by Editor paste handling API.
  • Provides configuration to handle P tags.
  • @returns {{tags: string[]}}
    static get pasteConfig() {
    return {
    tags: ['P'],


  • Click on the Settings Button
  • @Private
    _toggleTune(tune) {
    this.data[tune] = !this.data[tune]
    this._element.classList = ${this._CSS.wrapper} ${this._CSS.block} ${tune}
  • Icon and title for displaying at the Toolbox
  • @return {{icon: string, title: string}}
    static get toolbox() {
    return {
    icon: require('./toolbox-icon.svg').default,
    title: 'Text',

export default Paragraph


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You also need to add this simple css to work with the svg
.svg-icon {
width: 1em;
height: 1em;

.svg-icon path,
.svg-icon polygon,
.svg-icon rect {
fill: #4691f6;

.svg-icon circle {
stroke: #4691f6;
stroke-width: 1;

Has anyone seen it yet?

Could be a better solution a plugin called @editor-js/alignment, that checks if the block that has been created can be aligned, if so, just align it?

It could work for: images, headings, paragraphs, tables...

Probably i'll work on it

i made it once

Implemented it on core editor, we're discussing what could be the best solution

@semoal how can I use it? as you said it's been implemented already. Kinda noob :')


I wish #35 would be merged.

@neSpecc Is this feature still included in the next updates?

is editorjs still maintened? I see pull request in table repository with feature to delete cells from December and there is a pull request from September that adds alignment. If these are not stable, why don't merge it on not-stable branch then?

@kaaaaaaaaaaai please add some function such as line height and font size.

I spent 2 days making it. LOL

don't forget to add line-height and font-size dropdown in settings.