ediarum / ediarum.WEB

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Error with the api request: /api?id-type=all

flicksolutions opened this issue · comments

When trying to install the latest Version 1.9.6 of ediarum.WEB with your Step-by-Step-Guide I am encountering an Error after trying to reach the workshop.web-Application:
(trying to open /exist/apps/workshop.web/index.html)

edwebcontroller:api-get-001 Error with the api request: /api?id-type=all [at line 133, column 9, source: /opt/exist-db_5.2.0/exist-db/data/expathrepo/edweb-1.9.6/content/edweb-controller.xql] In function: edwebcontroller:api-get(xs:string) [1016:23:/opt/exist-db_5.2.0/exist-db/data/expathrepo/edweb-1.9.6/content/edweb-controller.xql] edweb:view-expand-links(node(), function(*)?) [47:5:/opt/exist-db_5.2.0/exist-db/data/expathrepo/edweb-1.9.6/content/edweb.xql]

Also after dragging and dropping the .xar-Package in the Package-Manager, ediarum.WEB is not shown under the installed Packages.

Thank you for your help!

Edit: When I install v.1.1. of Ediarum.WEB the error does not occur..!

Thank you for your question.

Please use for the Step-by-Step-Guide only the material which is linked in the presentation itself:


ediarum.WEB is not shown under the installed packages because it is an library and not an app. I think there is an checkbox one must click to see the libraries as well.

I hope I could help you.

Thank you for your answer!

So, there is no guide, tutorial, proper documentation for the current version?

ediarum.WEB pops up as a library. Thank you for pointing out that checkbox to me. 👍

The documentation for API and the APPCONF the current version is linked in the README:

Still the Step-by-step-Tutorial must be updated. But the workflow of the tutorial is still the same.

  • The functions are documented in the code (e.g. https://github.com/ediarum/ediarum.WEB/blob/master/content/edweb.xql). And you can use the eXist functionality to access it in a comfortable way: In the dashboard of your eXist installation open documentation and press generate (after installing ediarum.WEB). Then the library function should be listed in the documentation.

I hope I could help you. If you like ediarum.WEB please send us your feedback.