edgurgel / verk

A job processing system that just verks! 🧛‍

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Connect to Redix via ipv6?

heyitsjames opened this issue · comments

Hi, I'm deploying my app to a production environment which employs a managed Redis that uses ipv6 as the connection url. Redix supports ipv6 via passing socket_opts: [:inet6] to Redix.start_link/2. However, it looks like Verk doesn't allow passing extra options to Redix, using Redix.start_link/2 with just a url and no additional options.

Is there any way to start Redix with ipv6 in Verk? Thanks.

Here's a related Redix issue discussing ipv6:

Hmm yeah we might need to add an option to configure Redix more directly 🤔

Maybe some arguments to the Verk.Supervisor?