edgurgel / verk

A job processing system that just verks! 🧛‍

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Integrating with Phoenix App?

damien-roche opened this issue · comments

It's fairly straightforward to add the supervisor to the array of supervisors to start with a Phoenix app, but I don't want to start a Phoenix server along with my workers. I want them both separated, and yet still make use of my app logic from within the workers -- exactly as Sidekiq works when loading in a Rails app.

So I tried this with Phoenix. I have a simple condition in my application.ex config that uses supervisor(Verk.Supervisor, []) if an ENV variable is set (APP_WORKER), else it loads default web supervisors. This works great for separating the processes.

However, I still need to kick off jobs from within my app. I tried to enqueue a job though the Verk.Supervisor was not loaded and it complained that it couldn't find the gen server Verk.Redis:

exited in: :gen_server.call(Verk.Redis, {:commands, [["LPUSH", "queue:default"......

So I added that to my default web workers, and now when attempting to enqueue a job within my web app it says:

function Verk.Redis.start_link/0 is undefined (module Verk.Redis is not available)

Now, I do apologise - I am new to the Elixir ecosystem, and I don't mean to dump simple module loading questions here, but I would appreciate any pointers on how I might load in the required code to simply enqueue jobs through redis without the rest of it (which will be handled in a separate worker process).

Next time I'll read the code first :/ .. seems like I'll just need to mimic a little setup from the init in Verk.Supervisor! Works now.


Though I would be interested to hear whether I might be creating any sketchy points of failure here.