edgexfoundry / edgex-examples

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Http trigger can not work

bighb69738 opened this issue · comments

Hi all,
I tried to use http titgger, but it can not work.
I used custom simple-filter-xml with app-functions-sdk-go 2.2.0.
And I followed this https://docs.edgexfoundry.org/2.2/microservices/application/Triggers/#http-trigger, but I do not know what is the port.

Designating an HTTP trigger will allow the pipeline to be triggered by a RESTful POST call to http://[host]:[port]/api/v2/trigger/.

Is it the container's port or Command service's port ?

When I tryied to post by http://[host]:{simple-filter-xml's port }/api/v2/trigger, the error response was "connect ECONNREFUSED".


LogLevel = "INFO"
  Enabled = false
  RetryInterval = "5m"
  MaxRetryCount = 10
    path = "redisdb"
      username = ""
      password = ""

HealthCheckInterval = "10s"
Host = "localhost"
Port = 59780 # Adjust if running multiple examples at the same time to avoid duplicate port conflicts
ServerBindAddr = "" # if blank, uses default Go behavior https://golang.org/pkg/net/#Listen
StartupMsg = "This is a sample Filter/XML Transform Application Service"
RequestTimeout = "30s"
MaxRequestSize = 0
MaxResultCount = 0

Host = "localhost"
Port = 8500
Type = "consul"

# Database is require when Store and Forward is enabled
Type = "redisdb"
Host = "localhost"
Port = 6379
Timeout = "30s"

# SecretStore is required when Store and Forward is enabled and running with security
# so Database credentials can be pulled from Vault.
# Note when running in docker from compose file set the following environment variables:
#   - SecretStore_Host: edgex-vault
Type = "vault"
Host = "localhost"
Port = 8200
Path = "app-simple-filter-xml/"
Protocol = "http"
TokenFile = "/tmp/edgex/secrets/app-simple-filter-xml/secrets-token.json"
RootCaCertPath = ""
ServerName = ""
  AuthType = "X-Vault-Token"

  Protocol = "http"
  Host = "localhost"
  Port = 59881

# Choose either the http trigger or edgex-messagebus trigger


#  [Trigger.EdgexMessageBus]
#  Type = "redis"
#    [Trigger.EdgexMessageBus.SubscribeHost]
#    Host = "localhost"
#    Port = 6379
#    Protocol = "redis"
#    SubscribeTopics="edgex/events/#"
#    [Trigger.EdgexMessageBus.PublishHost]
#    Host = "localhost"
#    Port = 6379
#    Protocol = "redis"
#    PublishTopic="example"

# App Service specifc simple settings
# Great for single string settings. For more complex structured custom configuration
# See https://docs.edgexfoundry.org/2.0/microservices/application/AdvancedTopics/#custom-configuration
DeviceNames = "AX-3D"

You have to replace [host]:{simple-filter-xml's port } with the actual values. Like localhost:59780

The port is in the configuration you posted.

HealthCheckInterval = "10s"
Host = "localhost"
Port = 59780 # Adjust if running multiple examples at the same time to avoid duplicate port conflicts
ServerBindAddr = "" # if blank, uses default Go behavior https://golang.org/pkg/net/#Listen
StartupMsg = "This is a sample Filter/XML Transform Application Service"
RequestTimeout = "30s"
MaxRequestSize = 0
MaxResultCount = 0

I modified the Service port and it can work now.
Thank you!