edfloreshz / devmode

Devmode is a project management utility for developers.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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Dev(mode) is a project management utility for developers.


    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    clone        Clones a repository in a specific folder structure.
    config       Write changes to your configuration.
    fork         Clones a repo and sets the upstream to your fork.
    help         Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    open         Opens a project on your selected text editor.
    workspace    Create workspaces to store your projects.



cargo install devmode

Arch Linux

paru -S devmode-git


The config command will help you set your app preferences.

When you first run dm config you will be prompted with a setup asking you to set your settings.

After that, you can:

Syntax Description
dm config --all Prompt the first-time setup to configure everything.
dm config --editor Save your prefered text editor to the open projects with.
dm config --host Save your Git provider to clone projects from.
dm config --owner Save your Git username to identify yourself.
dm config --show Print the current settings.
dm config --map Save your currently cloned project paths.


Think of workspaces as containers for your repositories, you can classify and manipulate them in different ways.

To create a new workspace use:

dm workspace <name>

When you create a workspace, you can use it to clone a repository to that workspace.

dm clone <repo> --workspace <name>

You can add and remove existing repositories to a workspace.

dm workspace <name> --add | --remove <repo>

If you no longer need a workspace, you can either move the repositories to another workspace manually or delete the workspace and all repositories inside it will return to the owner's folder.

dm workspace <name> --delete

You can also rename workspaces, the folders will be updated accordingly.

dm workspace <name> --rename <name>

You can list your existing workspaces.

dm workspace --list

Syntax Description Example
dm workspace <name> Create a new workspace. dm workspace office
dm workspace <name> --add <repo> Add repository to workspace. dm workspace office --add devmode
dm workspace <name> --remove <repo> Remove repository from workspace. dm workspace office --remove devmode
dm workspace <name> --delete Delete a workspace. dm workspace office --delete
dm workspace <name> --rename <name> Rename a workspace. dm workspace office --rename work
dm workspace --list List all workspaces. dm workspace --list


Dev(mode) facilitates repository storage and organization in your filesystem.

How it works

When you clone a repository it will be stored to your filesystem using a specific folder structure.

You can also use dm cl

└── Developer
    └── host
        └── owner
            └── workspace?
                └── repo

This makes it easier for you to find repositories and allows dm to open them by just specifying the name of the project.

Syntax Description Example
dm clone Clone a repository using the setup. dm clone
dm clone <url> Clone by providing a URL. dm clone https://github.com/edfloreshz/devmode
dm clone <provider> <owner> <repository> Clone by providing parameters. dm clone github edfloreshz devmode
dm clone <args> --workspace <workspace> Clone into a specified workspace. dm clone gh edfloreshz devmode -w office

The following commands only work when you run dm config.

Syntax Description Example
dm config <repo> Clone by providing a repo name. dm clone devmode
dm clone <repo1> <repo2> Clone multiple repositories. dm clone devmode sensei


Clone a repo and set the upstream url in one command.

Use the --upstream or -u to set the upstream repository, then specify the repository that you wish to configure.

Description Syntax Example
dm fork <provider> <owner> <repo> -u <upstream-url> Clone and set the upstream repository. dm fork gh edfloreshz cosmic -u https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic
dm fork <url> -u <upstream-url> Using URLs. dm fork https://github.com/edfloreshz/cosmic -u https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic
dm fork --upstream <upstream-url> Just using the upstream URL. dm fork --upstream https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic

Open a project

Opens a project with your selected text editor.

You can also use dm o

Description Syntax Example
dm open <project> Open a project. dm open devmode

If two or more projects with the same name are found, you will have to choose which one to open.


  • openssl


sudo dnf install -y openssl-devel


sudo apt install -y libssl-sdev


If you have a proposal for a new feature, open a new issue.


Devmode is a project management utility for developers.

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:Rust 94.6%Language:Just 4.1%Language:Roff 1.2%Language:Fluent 0.1%