eddy0 / algorithm

data structure and algorithm

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a conclusion and handbook on data structure and algorithm


number title difficulty ----
28 Implement strStr() easy 💯
14 Longest Common Prefix easy
58 Length of Last Word easy
387 First Unique Character in a String easy
383 Ransom Note easy
344 Reverse String easy
151 Reverse Words in a String easy
186 Reverse Words in a String II easy
345 Reverse Vowels of a String easy
205 Isomorphic Strings easy
293 Flip Game easy
294 Flip Game II easy
290 Word Pattern easy
242 Valid Anagram easy
49 Group Anagrams easy
249 Group Shifted Strings easy
87 Scramble String easy


  • function calls itself

  • 实质:剥离大问题到小问题 Boil down a big problem to smaller ones (size n depends on size n - 1, or n - 2 or ... n/2)

  • Implementation:

    • a) Base cases: smallest problem to solve
    • b) Recursive rule: how to make the problem smaller (if we can resolve the same problem but with a smaller size, then what is left to do for the current problem size n)

Trick:所以前面的 node 的个数的总和,都没有最后一层 node 的个数多,因此我们分析 tree 的 time complexity,往往只看最后一层 node 的个数。

solution pattern

  • MULTIPLE POINTERS 多个 pointer 组合

    • Creating pointers or values that correspond to an index or position and move towards the beginning, end or middle based on a certain condition
    • Very efficient for solving problems with minimal space complexity as well
    • 方法
    function sumZero(arr) {
        for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
            for (let j = i + 1; j < arr.length; j++) {
                if (arr[i] + arr[j] === 0) {
                    return [arr[i], arr[j]]
    function sumZero(arr) {
        let left = 0
        let right = arr.length - 1
        while (left < right) {
            let sum = arr[left] + arr[right]
            if (sum === 0) {
                return [arr[left], arr[right]]
            } else if (sum > 0) {
            } else {

    • This pattern involves creating a window which can either be an array or number from one position to another
    • Depending on a certain condition, the window either increases or closes (and a new window is created)
    • Very useful for keeping track of a subset of data in an array/string etc.
  • Divide and Conquer

    • This pattern involves dividing a data set into smaller chunks and then repeating a process with a subset of data.
    • This pattern can tremendously decrease time complexity


  1. keypoint
  • make sure it is not a null pointer when de-ref, 也就是要得到 p.value, p 不能为 null
  • never ever lost the control of the head pointer of the linklist, 注意头节点
  • 分析 linklist, 要知道 prev, current, next 是什么, 先保存 next, 再改变 current


  1. tree traverse
    • pre-order 把自己放到最前来打印/更改 value, 然后再左右, 永远把 current node 放到当前来处理, current node 从 root 开始, 从左到右, current node 跳到下一个
    10 5 2 7 15 12 20

    5       15
   2 7     12 20
null null
const preOrder = function(tree) {
    // base case
    if (root === null) {
  1. in-order 把自己放到中间, 看先一直往左到 null, 再返回上一层往右边看 , 再往上跳一层
2 5 7 10 12 15 20
  1. post-order 先把 current 的左右打印完才轮得到自己
2 7 5 12 20 15 10

trick: base case usually refer to null childNode, 永远找 null


  • balanced binary tree 任何节点高度差 <= 1, every node differ by 1 or else
  • complete binary tree 完全二叉树, every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, all nodes as far as left as possible, 除了最后一层必须是满的不能有 null, 并且 null 要在右边,
  • binary search tree 每个 node 左边都要这个 value 小, 右边都比这个 value 大, every single node in the tree, the value in its left subtree are all smaller than its value, and the values in its right subtree are all larger than its value


  • binary tree 是最常见的与 recursion 结合最紧密的
  • reason
    • 每层的 node 具备的性质, 传递的值和下一层的性质往往一致, 比较容易定义 recursion rule
    • base case: null pointer under the leaf node
    • get height
    • tree 有多少 node
  • 基本知识
    • traversal of a binary tree
    • definition: balanced, complete, binary tree
const getHeightOfTree = function(root) {
    if (root === null) {
        return 0
    let left = getHeight(root.left)
    let right = getHeight(root.right)
    return 1 + Math.max(left, right)
// 找是否平衡
// check if the tree is balanced
// the height of every node is 1 or less

const isBalanced = function(root) {
    // base case
    if (root === null) {
        return true
    // get every single node's left and right height
    let left = getHeight(root.left)
    let right = getHeight(root.right)
    if (Math.abs(left - right) > 1) {
        return false
    return isBalanced(root.left) && isBalanced(root.right)
 对称的 tree, 左边的左 = 右边的右, 左边的右 = 右边的左

    5   5
 1   3  3  1
2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8
// 把大问题改为小问题, 找规律
// time O(n)  每次都 对折
// space O(n) ---> O(height) 如果是 balanced 就是 logn

const isSymmetric = function(node1, node2) {
    // base case, 3 situation, 先分析 null 的情况, 在分析 value
    if (node1 === null && node2 === null) {
        return true
    } else if (node1 === null || node2 === null) {
        return false
    } else if (node1.val !== node2.val) {
        return false
    // recursion rule
    return (
        isSymmetric(node1.left, node2.right) &&
        isSymmetric(node1.right, node2.left)

binary search tree

  1. how to determin a binary tree is BST
   5   15
  2 7 11 20
  1. primative idea: 检查 all left-subtree, if they are smaller, all right are larger

  2. root.left < root.value, root.right > root.value

  3. print BST keys in the given range git two value k1 and k2 , k1 < k2 and a root pointer to a binary search, print all that

function inOrder(root, k1, k2) {
    if (root === null) {
    inOrder(root.left, k1, k2)
    if (root.value > k1 || root.value < k2) {
    inOrder(root.right, k1, k2)

进一步解决的问题在于可以把 k1 和 k2 范围之外的剪掉

function inOrder(root, k1, k2) {
    if (root === null) {
    // 左边一定要比 k1 大
    if (root.left > k1) {
        inOrder(root.left, k1, k2)

    if (root.value >= k1 || root.value <= k2) {
    // 右边一定要比 k2 小
    if (root.right < k1) {
        inOrder(root.right, k1, k2)

How to Implement by JS?

  • address each individual spaces in the memory
  • look up easy, by obj[index]
  • delete or insert expensive, need to collapse and re-range. (所有数据要往前, 生成新的 index)
  • with the help of node (很多节点)
  • each node contains value and next node (只知道上一个节点和下一个节点)
  • node start with node, hand by hand, end with tail 从头到尾
  • lookup by index can only go from head (查找只能从头循环)
  • delete and insert is super cheap, once found the element, just cut with next (找到元素之后删除很方便)
  • finding is less expensive than shifting
number title solution link
1 two sum 如何解决这个问题就比较麻烦了 link
2 flatten 递归来解决 flatten link

Array.apply(null, {length: 5}).map(Function.call, Math.random)


data structure and algorithm


Language:JavaScript 83.7%Language:Python 10.6%Language:TypeScript 4.5%Language:Java 1.2%