eddiecorrigall / elang

Toy programming language interpreted with Python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Toy programming language written by yours truely.

  • Purely Python with standard library
  • Parser: recursive descent
  • Expressions in polish notation
  • Abstract Syntax Tree Walker
  • Literals: integer, character, string, array, map
  • Scope / name binding

Mandlebrot Demo


# Create virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv

# Activate virual environment
source venv/bin/activate

# Install depedencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

# Add parent working directory to PATH
export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"

# List help contents for elang
elang --help

# Run test suit
elang test

# Deactivate virtual environment


Produce Abstract Syntax Tree as standard output in JSON format.

$ echo 'print("Hello world");' | elang lex | elang parse --format json
  "type": "SEQUENCE",
  "left": {
    "type": "PRINT_STRING",
    "left": {
      "type": "STR",
      "value": "\"Hello world\""

Run program.

$ echo 'print("Hello world");' | elang run
Hello world

Python API

lex = Lexer()
tokens = Lexer.from_token_file(file)
tokens = lex.from_program_file(file)
tokens = lex.from_program_lines(lines)
tokens = lex(program_line)
line_generator = Lexer.as_lines(tokens)
parse = Parser()
ast = parse(tokens)
ast_dict = ast.as_dict()
json_str = ast.as_json()
line_generator = ast.as_lines()
walk = Walker()

Run Tests

export PYTHONPATH="$(pwd)"

# Run all tests
python3 -m unittest discover --verbose --start-directory tests/

# Run specific test suite
python3 -m unittest --verbose tests/test_lexer_tokens.py

# Run specific test
python3 -m unittest --verbose tests.test_lexer_integer_literal.TestIntegerLiteral.test_positive_integers



  • boolean

  • implement static array

    • assign single value
    • assign row
    • binary operation (eg multiply) row
    • print
    • access single value
    • access row
  • implement hash table

    • default value
    • assign single value
    • access single value
    • print
    • access keys
    • access values
  • loop

    • while with condition and statement
    • halt loop
    • continue loop
  • variables

    • int
    • char
    • string
    • array
    • map
    • constants / immutable value
    • typing / immutable type
    • variable scope
  • provide token context with AST error

  • print statement with multiple arguments

  • handle print string escape characters

  • assert statement throws error and causes walker to exist with non-zero status code

  • test putc(''); => error

  • test putc('x'); => 'x'

  • test putc(120); => 'x'

  • test print(""); => ''

  • test print("x"); => 'x'

  • test print('x'); => '120'

  • test print(120); => '120'

  • test print(["Hello", " ", "world", ]); => 'Hello world'

  • test print([["Hello", " ", "wolrd",]]); => 'Hello world'


Toy programming language interpreted with Python


Language:Python 100.0%