edbmods / EdBPrepareCarefully

EdB Prepare Carefully, a RimWorld mod

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Incompatibility with Fluffy's WorkTab

Amnesiac9 opened this issue · comments


So I've been getting errors with my mods and did a TON of testing, and I've found an incompatibility with Fluffy's Work Tab and Prepare Carefully.

After starting a game with only 3 mods, then upon SAVING and Loading the game thereafter, I receive this error log: https://git.io/fA1o1

Pic of the error: https://i.imgur.com/sKzspwF.png

The Mod List:

  • Core
  • HugsLib
  • EdB Prepare Carefully
  • Work Tab

Some info from testing:

  • When I do not choose "prepare carefully" at the start, the errors Do Not happen after saving then loading the game.

  • If I remove WorkTab, but choose prepare carefully, the errors Do Not happen.

  • If I add WorkTab AFTER starting and saving a game with Prepare Carefully, the errors Do Not happen.

The Errors DO happen when I:

Start a new game, choose prepare carefully with 3 colonists, change no settings at all, save game, quit to main menu, load game. Each time I load, the errors happen.

Hopefully this helps!!

Is this not the right place to report issues?

Going through and closing old issues that are probably no longer relevant.