edasque / DynamoDBtoCSV

Dump DynamoDB data into a CSV file

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"You must specify a table"

Spookytheboy opened this issue · comments

I've filled out my config.json file and attempting to run the script, but getting a recurring error "You must specify a table" no matter what I attempt. I've tried wrapping my table name in quotes but no dice.

e.g: node dynamoDBtoCSV.js -t "tableName" > output.csv

I am also getting the same issue as above. Followed the commands on the readme and running into the same issue. Not sure why but the tableName is not being parsed through commander it seems.

I'm experiencing the same issue.

I think one of the 4 modules it depends on (aws-sdk, commander, dynamodb-marshaler, papaparse) may have updated recently, causing incompatibilities with dynamoDBtoCSV.

I solved the issue by replacing the node_modules folder in my DynamoDBtoCSV folder with one containing older versions, sent to me by a colleague. Perhaps you could install the previous versions of these modules.

My compatible versions are:

  • aws-sdk: 2.797.0
  • commander: 6.2.0
  • dynamodb-marshaler: 2.0.0
  • papaparse: 5.3.0

Also, my colleague recommended adding "-v{}" on the end like so:

node dynamoDBtoCSV.js -t TABLE_NAME -f FILE_NAME.csv -v{}

See #66

Second the recommendation for "-v{}". No need to change the dependencies. The error can be fixed at 'config.json'. #66 actually solves it perfectly. I just copied the code of config.json from that branch and it worked. I hope anyone who encounters this issue sees #66. Should be main branch. Thank you everyone for building this program and the wonderful documentation. -random guy

Hi, sorry, I don't fully understand what is necessary to do to fix it.