edasque / DynamoDBtoCSV

Dump DynamoDB data into a CSV file

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Location of config.json

wdarsono opened this issue · comments

Dear Sir,
I am new to nodejs and DynamoDB.
Can you please advise where should I put the config.json file?

I tried to export a table in the DynamoDB into a csv file with the following command:
node dynamoDBtoCSV.js -d -t test2

However, it kept on giving me the following error:
{ [UnexpectedParameter: Unexpected key 'Limit' found in params]
message: 'Unexpected key 'Limit' found in params',
code: 'UnexpectedParameter',
time: Mon Nov 10 2014 15:27:11 GMT+0800 (Malay Peninsula Standard Time) }

Here is the content of my config.json:
"secretAccessKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"region": "ap-northeast-1"

Please kindly advise.

Many thanks,

Seems like a dupe of #4 , can you check?

Hi Erik,
Thanks for the respond.

The region is correct and the location of config.json file seems correct as well because I managed to get output.csv file (with the correct content) when I ran the following command:
node dynamoDBtoCSV.js -t table1 > output.csv
However, I still got the same error message when I tried to get some info about the table (i.e. how many rows) using the following command:
node dynamoDBtoCSV.js -t table1 -d

Many thanks,