ecovaci / winfoom

Winfoom is an HTTP(s) proxy server facade that allows applications to authenticate through the proxy without having to deal with the actual handshake.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Validation failed with status code 500

mnisius opened this issue · comments

Bug description
Hi, I just found this project and wanted to try it out. Sadly i was not able to connect to the internet.
I get this Error Message if I use the Test Button

Validation failed with status code 500 reason: Proxy Auto Config javascript file: content not acceptable

We use an PAC file.
With PX Proxy everything working fine out of the box, no config necessary.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start winfoom in GUI Mode
  2. Click autodetect
  3. Click start
  4. Click test

Expected behavior
Success message.

I can't attach the log because it contains the full pac file and I don't think I'm allowed to share that.

Screenshot 2021-12-15 101029

Context information:

  • Application version v4.0.0
  • JRE version: adoptopenjdk 11.0.12-7

Additional context

Please attach the log file in debug mode

Ok here you go.
I had to remove some stuff. Like I said in the initial post I'm not allowed to share the content of my companies pac file.


Please post the pac file without the IP or domain names. I'm only interested in it's structure.

I'm interested in the lines looking like: PROXY_TYPE IP_LIST_OR_DOMAIN_NAMES. For example return "PROXY"

The acceptable values for PROXY_TYPE are PROXY, HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5, DIRECT

here the file without ips and domains: removed

edit: I removed the file. If you need it again just tell me.

Ok, I found the problem: the line PROXY xxx:8080; PROXY xxx:8080; has an extra space. I will trim it in the v4.0.1.

Please test it and let me know the result.

It worked! 🎉🎉🎉
Thank you very much for your fast fix!

Good afternoon.
Please help me, I am using the latest version of WinFoom I have a problem with internet access. Installed KNIME, Eclipse, DBeaver all these programs still have problems with Internet access. Please tell me what could be the problem?

Did you configure Eclipse to use Winfoom as proxy? I think this is the problem.

Also, please open a separate issue since your problem has nothing to do with the current one.