ecomrick77 / amazon-sc-business-reports

Automated Amazon Seller Central Business Reports Downloader

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Automated Amazon Seller Central Business Reports Downloader

Amazon's Seller Central Business Reports provide valuable insights for retailers that are not available through any Report Scheduling or API. This package uses Puppeteer to control a headless Chrome browser which navigates Seller Central, downloading all the reports (for each merchant and marketplace) and returning the results in JSON.


  • Twilio - In order to provide automated One Time Password (OTP) Two-Step Authorization you'll need to add a Twilio Phone Number to your Amazon Seller Account and provide the API credentials in the settings.
  • 2Captcha - In order to provide automated Captcha Image resolution you'll need to provide the API key in the settings


$ npm i amazon-sc-business-reports

Basic Usage

const bizReports = require('amazon-sc-business-reports')
const settings = {
    loginEmail: '',
    loginPass: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
    otp: {
    captcha: {
const dates = [
    ['2021-01-26','2021-01-27'] // from,to
const options = {}
bizReports(settings,dates,options).then(stream => {
    stream.on('data', (r) => {
        // stream pausing example
        console.log('There will be no additional data for 5 seconds.');
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 5000);

    stream.on('end', ()=>{


Parameters for the settings object:

  • loginEmail - Seller Central login email address or phone number.
  • loginPass - Seller Central login password.
  • otp - Twilio credentials object:
  • captcha - 2Captcha credentials object:


Reports will be downloaded for all the dates in the parameters.

Dates is an Array of Arrays containing 2-values (From Date, To Date):

// reports per day
    ['2021-01-26','2021-01-26'], // from,to
    ['2021-01-27','2021-01-27'], // from,to

// report for period
    ['2021-01-26','2021-01-27'], // from,to


By Default all Reports are downloaded for each Merchant and Marketplace in the Seller Central account. You may Enable or Disable Reports, Merchants and Marketplaces with the options object.

    reports: {
        SalesTraffic: true,
        DetailSalesTraffic: false, // exclude this report (for example)
        SellerPerformance: true,
        DetailSalesTrafficBySKU: true,
        DetailSalesTrafficByParent: true,
        DetailSalesTrafficByChild: true,
        BrandPerformance: true
    exclude: {
        merchantIds: [],
        marketplaceIds: [
            'A2EUQ1WTGCTBG2' // exclude Amazon Canada reports (for example)


Here are some Report Response Examples.

Currencies are returned in the local marketplace currency often prefixed with a 3-digit country code (Example: Can$619.90, MXN$4,829.37).


    merchant: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
    marketplace: 'ATVPDKIKX0DER',
    report: 'SalesTraffic',
    reportId: 'SalesTrafficTimeSeries',
    period: { from: '2021-01-26', to: '2021-01-26' },
    rows: [
            date: '01/26/2021',
            orderedProductSales: '$6,232.32',
            orderedProductSalesB2B: '$264.96',
            unitsOrdered: 68,
            unitsOrderedB2B: 4,
            totalOrderItems: 60,
            totalOrderItemsB2B: 4,
            averageSalesPerOrderItem: '$103.87',
            averageSalesPerOrderItemB2B: '$66.24',
            averageUnitsPerOrderItem: 1.13,
            averageUnitsPerOrderItemB2B: 1,
            averageSellingPrice: '$91.65',
            averageSellingPriceB2B: '$66.24',
            sessions: '1,017',
            orderItemSessionPercentage: '5.90%',
            orderItemSessionPercentageB2B: '0.39%',
            averageOfferCount: 453


    merchant: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
    marketplace: 'ATVPDKIKX0DER',
    report: 'DetailSalesTraffic',
    reportId: 'DetailSalesTrafficByTime',
    period: { from: '2021-01-26', to: '2021-01-26' },
    rows: [
            date: '01/26/2021',
            orderedProductSales: '$6,232.32',
            orderedProductSalesB2B: '$264.96',
            unitsOrdered: 68,
            unitsOrderedB2B: 4,
            totalOrderItems: 60,
            totalOrderItemsB2B: 4,
            pageViews: '1,410',
            sessions: '1,017',
            buyBoxPercentage: '93%',
            unitSessionPercentage: '6.69%',
            unitSessionPercentageB2B: '0.39%',
            averageOfferCount: 453,
            averageParentItems: 100


    merchant: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
    marketplace: 'ATVPDKIKX0DER',
    report: 'SellerPerformance',
    reportId: 'SellerPerformanceForMerchants',
    period: { from: '2021-01-26', to: '2021-01-26' },
    rows: [
            date: '01/26/2021',
            orderedProductSales: '$619.90',
            orderedProductSalesB2B: '$0.00',
            unitsOrdered: 12,
            unitsOrderedB2B: 0,
            totalOrderItems: 12,
            totalOrderItemsB2B: 0,
            unitsRefunded: 5,
            refundRate: '41.67%',
            feedbackReceived: 1,
            negativeFeedbackReceived: 0,
            receivedNegativeFeedbackRate: '0.00%',
            aToZClaimsGranted: 0,
            claimsAmount: '$0.00'


    merchant: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
    marketplace: 'ATVPDKIKX0DER',
    report: 'DetailSalesTrafficBySKU',
    reportId: 'DetailSalesTrafficBySKU',
    period: { from: '2021-01-26', to: '2021-01-26' },
    rows: [
            parentAsin: 'XXXXXXXXXX',
            childAsin: 'XXXXXXXXXX',
            title: 'Some Product Name (White, S/M)',
            sku: 'ABC-123',
            sessions: 17,
            sessionPercentage: '0.66%',
            pageViews: 21,
            pageViewsPercentage: '0.56%',
            buyBoxPercentage: '62%',
            unitsOrdered: 3,
            unitsOrderedB2B: 1,
            unitSessionPercentage: '17.65%',
            unitSessionPercentageB2B: '5.88%',
            orderedProductSales: '$129.03',
            orderedProductSalesB2B: '$42.79',
            totalOrderItems: 3,
            totalOrderItemsB2B: 1


    merchant: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
    marketplace: 'ATVPDKIKX0DER',
    report: 'DetailSalesTrafficByParent',
    reportId: 'DetailSalesTrafficByParentItem',
    period: { from: '2021-01-26', to: '2021-01-26' },
    rows: [
            parentAsin: 'XXXXXXXXXX',
            title: '',
            sessions: 69,
            sessionPercentage: '6.78%',
            pageViews: 104,
            pageViewsPercentage: '7.38%',
            buyBoxPercentage: '99%',
            unitsOrdered: 6,
            unitsOrderedB2B: 2,
            unitSessionPercentage: '8.70%',
            unitSessionPercentageB2B: '2.90%',
            orderedProductSales: '$357.77',
            orderedProductSalesB2B: '$127.78',
            totalOrderItems: 6,
            totalOrderItemsB2B: 2


    merchant: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
    marketplace: 'ATVPDKIKX0DER',
    report: 'DetailSalesTrafficByChild',
    reportId: 'DetailSalesTrafficByChildItem',
    period: { from: '2021-01-26', to: '2021-01-26' },
    rows: [
            parentAsin: 'XXXXXXXXXX',
            childAsin: 'XXXXXXXXXX',
            title: 'Some Product Name (White, S/M)',
            sessions: 7,
            sessionPercentage: '0.69%',
            pageViews: 14,
            pageViewsPercentage: '0.99%',
            buyBoxPercentage: '100%',
            unitsOrdered: 2,
            unitsOrderedB2B: 2,
            unitSessionPercentage: '28.57%',
            unitSessionPercentageB2B: '28.57%',
            orderedProductSales: '$127.78',
            orderedProductSalesB2B: '$127.78',
            totalOrderItems: 2,
            totalOrderItemsB2B: 2


    merchant: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
    marketplace: 'ATVPDKIKX0DER',
    report: 'BrandPerformance',
    reportId: 'BrandPerformannce',
    period: { from: '2021-01-26', to: '2021-01-26' },
    rows: [
            asin: 'XXXXXXXXXX',
            globalCatalogIdentifier: 'null',
            title: 'Some Product Name (White, S/M)',
            brandName: 'Some Brand',
            averageCustomerReview: 0,
            customerReviewsReceived: 0,
            salesRank: '18,627',
            buyBoxPercentage: '100%'


Automated Amazon Seller Central Business Reports Downloader


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