eclipse / paho.mqtt.embedded-c

Paho MQTT C client library for embedded systems. Paho is an Eclipse IoT project (

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Reconnection Issue

Tommybearrr opened this issue · comments

I am struggling to get the client lib to reconnect.
What is the correct sequences of methods to use to disconnect a client, if connection is lost and reconnect the client again to the broker?

Here is an example of code I have been playing around with?

` GeyserStatus thestate;
MQTTMessage message;
int rc=0;
char payload[1000];
MQTTClient Newclient;

message.qos = 1;
message.retained = 0;
message.payload = payload;
sprintf(payload, "%s", SendMessage);
message.payloadlen = strlen(SendMessage);

	if(ReconnectCounter++ >= 10)
			if (0!= ConnectNetwork(&network, (char*)AZURE_HUB_URL, MQTT_BROKER_PORT,0)){
			MQTTClientInit(&Newclient, &network, 10000, sendbuf, sizeof(sendbuf), readbuf, sizeof(readbuf));

			connectData.MQTTVersion = 4; //use protocol version 3.1.1
			connectData.clientID.cstring = DEVICE_ID;
			connectData.username.cstring = MQTT_USER_NAME;
		if ((rc = MQTTConnect(&Newclient, &connectData)) != 0){

		if ((rc = MQTTSubscribe(&Newclient, MQTT_SUB_TOPIC, &subQoS, MQTTmessageCallback)) != 0){
		ReconnectMQTT = false;
		ReconnectCounter = 0;
		client = Newclient;

if ((rc = MQTTPublish(&client, MQTT_PUB_TOPIC, &message)) != 0);
	if(MessageFailures++> 3)
		MessageFailures = 0;
		ReconnectMQTT = true;
		ReconnectCounter = 10;
 printf("ERR>> Return code from MQTT publish is %d\n\r", rc);

 printf("> send message:  %s\r\n",SendMessage );`

Would appreciate if anyone can point me in the right direction.

Thank you