eclipse-lsp4j / lsp4j

A Java implementation of the language server protocol intended to be consumed by tools and language servers implemented in Java.

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LSP4J 0.22.0

jonahgraham opened this issue · comments

This is the Release plan and TODO list for LSP4J release v0.22.0.

Steps for Release

Items at the beginning of development

  • Create an Endgame Issue to track the release. As a starting point use documentation/
  • Ensure all previous Endgame issues are done.
  • Create a New milestone for the release
  • Check is up to date. The changelog should have a version entry, release date, API Breakages and other information consistent with current entries in the changelog.
  • Check is up to date. In particular that the planned release and which versions of DAP and LSP are support is listed.
  • Increment version of all feature.xml, pom.xml and any other place full version is used. (Easiest way is global find and replace, e.g. s/0.21.0/0.22.0/g, s/0.20.0/0.21.0/g and review changes.) Ensure that -SNAPSHOT is restored in the gradle/versions.gradle and releng/pom.xml
  • Enable sh './releng/' in releng/build.Jenkinsfile
  • Ensure the CI build is stable - it is always better to release a "Green Dot" build

Items in the days ahead of Release day:

  • Create release on PMI
  • Schedule the release and if needed schedule a release review on the PMI. A release review is needed every 12 months, not with each release.
  • Check is up to date. The changelog should have a version entry, release date, API Breakages and other information consistent with current entries in the changelog.
  • Check is up to date. In particular that the planned release and which versions of DAP and LSP are support is listed.
  • Check all closed PRs and Issues to make sure their milestone is set. (Note: this was not until after 0.10.0 release so many old PRs and Issues have no milestone, therefore only consider items back to approx 5 Nov 2020). This search may be useful to identify such closed issues
  • Create and analyse a japicmp report and publish it as part of the build. Ensure that the API versions are incremented accurately based on the report. The reports are part of the build in japicmp-report and generated by releng/
  • Update links in changelog for japicmp from the nightly to the final location

Items on Release day:

  • Prepare the repo for release by:
  • Push the above change
  • Run the CI build
  • Mark the build as Keep Forever and add to the description v0.22.0
  • Deploy the release by running the Release CI job with parameters:
    • LSP4J_PUBLISH_LOCATION -> updates/releases/0.22.0 ( <-- check version number)
    • PROJECT -> lsp4j-multi-build/job/main
    • LSP4J_BUILD_NUMBER -> the build that was just run above
    • DRY_RUN -> false
  • Add to the deploy job description v0.22.0
  • Promote the staged repository to maven central
    • Login to Nexus
    • go to Staging Repositories, after a short delay the staged LSP4J release should appear (you may need to press Refresh)
    • click the staged LSP4J repo
    • press the Close button located in the toolbar. This runs activities, including checking various rules
    • once the rules are done (if successful), press the Release button (you may need to press Refresh to enable the Release button)
    • check to make sure the latest release has arrived - this takes a while, 15 minutes for the files to be on the server and even longer for the search indexes to update
  • Update the meta-data on PMI downloads page
  • Tag the release. Example: git tag -a v0.22.0 HEAD -m"LSP4J 0.22.0" && git push origin v0.22.0
  • Contribute to Simrel. See Simrel contribution example
  • Create a release page on github
  • Link the Changelog to the release page
  • Make an announcement on lsp4j-dev based on the release page on github. Example on lsp4j-dev archives
  • Update documentation/ with any changes that may have been made to the release process.
  • Create the endgame for the next release right away, especially as version numbers and restoring -SNAPSHOT need to be done right away.

Because of fixes to handling 3rd party libs we need to do a release (or pre-release) of LSP4J so that we can see the effects in SimRel and resolve what Ed raised in

I can do a release now, but because of the current dep on a milestone of xtend I don't know if that is a good idea (#751)

@cdietrich thoughts?

The problem is I changed jobs on 1st so I won’t be really able to contribute much (specially on Xtext side )

OK - I guess we'll have to figure that out as a community!

All the changes to LSP4J since 0.21.0 release have been third-party dep changes, so maybe best to simply do a 0.21.x release on 15 August with these changes backported:

Hmmm... Is it even allowed to use yet-to-be-released content of other Eclipse projects in a release? IIRC, it was not allowed in the past...

Xtext has to my knowledge no dep to the generator so we might be able to live with a broader range von Xtext side
And thus consume an older maven dependency.
and in p2 include the newer on (doing the 2nd release after the Xtext release

@szarnekow @tivervac any comments from your side

Hmmm... Is it even allowed to use yet-to-be-released content of other Eclipse projects in a release? IIRC, it was not allowed in the past...

It still is not - we are not going to release that content and #751 needs resolving to make sure that is handled.

Xtext has to my knowledge no dep to the generator so we might be able to live with a broader range von Xtext side And thus consume an older maven dependency. and in p2 include the newer on (doing the 2nd release after the Xtext release

@szarnekow @tivervac any comments from your side

@cdietrich Is your question whether we use the org.eclipse.lsp4j.generator plugin? If so, we do not.
Regarding LSP4J, we can make our range wider, but only if backward compatibility is ensured of course

Yes this is what I meant: use current lsp4j in xtext release, but allow newer release in manifest so that simrel can pull newer lsp4j

I don't think LSP4J does semantic versioning (same as Xtext). This will make it a bit harder. I can see that it'd work to depend on LSP4J[current, current+2) instead of LSP4J[current, current+1) but this would also only reduce the probability of allowing inconsistent OSGI resolution.

Can I release lsp4j 0.21.1 with guava dependency range increased to: '[30.1.0,33)'?

Can I release lsp4j 0.21.1 with guava dependency range increased to: '[30.1.0,33)'?

This is what I mean explicitly: #759

Can I release lsp4j 0.21.1 with guava dependency range increased to: '[30.1.0,33)'?

I did this - see all details in #761 and #759

Hey there, any idea when 0.22.0 is gonna land?

I think we should schedule this to release, well in time for 2024-03 M3? That would mean around or before 13 Feb.

cc: @cdietrich @mickaelistria @pisv for input on dates and coordination with your consumption of LSP4J. In particular, it would be nice if we all had 2024-03 using the same version of LSP4J.

we wont have a new xtend release though. otherwise ok.
do we already know if there will be any api changes upstream in the protocol?

We currently implement DAP 1.60, latest is 1.64. But no one has scheduled time (AFAIK) to do the work to bring us up to date.

For LSP I think we are up to date already (3.17 is documented as latest upstream and that is what appears in our README)

Because of I may have trouble getting 0.22.0 done today. Builds are not running on Jenkins with errors like "forbidden: exceeded quota: jenkins-instance-quota"

I'm part way through the release steps but I have to step away for a meeting. I'll resume later today.

The release is now complete. The maven should update once their scripts run and I am now preparing the repo for 0.23.0 development (And can prepare for 0.22.1 if needed)