ebkr / r2modmanPlus

A simple and easy to use mod manager for several games using Thunderstore

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Game just... crashes when loading using steam proton on linux, proton experminetal

GlineYT opened this issue · comments

So, using the appimage and .deb package makes the app crash because of this:
xdg-settings: default-url-scheme-handler not implemented for xfce
starting server on /tmp/app.r2mm
starting TLS server false
starting server as Unix || Windows Socket
[4624:0626/211720.611719:FATAL:gpu_data_manager_impl_private.cc(445)] GPU process isn't usable. Goodbye.
So then i decide to do a jank fix involving taking on --no-sandbox at the end, which fixes it, but then makes the manager get stuck in the "processing modlist" section. Then i proceed to download the executable, run it with proton, and hey, everything works fine, i can download mods, install them this and that, up until i try to actually load up the game... When that happens i get a boatload of this:
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Shortly afterwards, the mod manager itself proceeds to shit itself
Снимка на екрана_2024-06-26_22-13-14
Running the game vanilla works fine (running the game vanilla trough steam proton even without the mod manager is fine too, this is a mod manager issue, not a game compatibility issue, if it was, i wouldn't of posted it here)

Yes, this is linux mint, despite the window borders suggesting otherwise. I like windows 10's UI, Microsoft just fucked windows up, so im now wrestling with linux to get some obscure indie game working when i should be instead focusing on school. And i've been at this, since 2 or 3 PM. 10 hours and im still at this shit. God. Im loosing my sanity

Here's my mod list if anyone wants it
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And i think i know here the issue is. I think, it's that i need to launch the game using the votv-x64-shipping exe, rather than just the VotV.exe, but the mod manager kinda forces you to use the votv.exe and not the "shipping" one.

Taking a closer look at the error, im noticing something with DXVA, so, directX video acceleration if im not wrong. Specifically with video decoding acceleration as suggested by the "dxva_video_decode_accelerator_win.cc". Atleast im getting that much from it, i think the _win part has something to do with windows, so it might be proton, but then again the unmodified version of the game runs fine enough, trough proton experimental as mentioned, so i doubt it's proton compatiblity.

My immediate idea is to somehow force dxva off, and leave it up to the CPU/iGPU (assuming that's even the issue, or possible in the first place, maybe im chasing the wrong error),

since that's all i have at the moment in terms of... well... what i have as data im not exactly sure how to proceed or where to gain more data on the issue from, like, i guess i could check the crash dump files, but i doubt i'll get any more from that than what i already know.

The error above seems to have something to do with the network, but im not sure how that could be an issue, considering i installed mods fine, aswell as updated a mod just fine.

Now, as far as the .apmage/.deb versions (linux natives), turns out you can use inspect element as if they're a web site. How? Not sure, but, that certainly does help figure out the "Native version of r2modman stuck on processing modlists' issue. And this is the console output

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Im not sure what it means by "A provider needs to be specfified" and how i specify a provider i don't know either, but it looks like this is causing the issue, given that it a part of the error is

at s.moveToNextScreen (app.js:1)
at s.getThunderstoreMods (app.js:1)

Which, from the name, is pretty self-explanatory. So i think i have a surface-level grasp on the issue, but i don't have enough details on what exactly is going on, and more importantly - how to fix it.

I relaunched it, and got a different error
Снимка на екрана_2024-06-27_10-34-45
The error is this:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: g.default.instance.isProtonGame is not a function
    at s.moveToNextScreen (app.js:1)
    at s.getThunderstoreMods (app.js:1)
    at async EventEmitter.<anonymous> (app.js:1)

When you reload, using ctrl+r, it shows the first error, ut when you close and re-launch the mod manager it spits out the second error.

app.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) Error: A provider needs to be specified for the GameDirectoryResolverProvider class
    at new i (app.js:1)
    at new n (app.js:1)
    at Function.throwNotProvidedError (app.js:1)
    at Function.get instance [as instance] (app.js:1)
    at s.moveToNextScreen (app.js:1)
    at s.getThunderstoreMods (app.js:1)
    at async EventEmitter.<anonymous> (app.js:1)

Note that if i start the vanilla version from the r2modman exe file trough proton (the appimage doesn't work, see above comments) the game does not cause any issues whatsoever, and i can get into the menu fine. My primary suspect here is the mods themselves, or, a mod, so i'll have to take a look at the .dmp file in a windows VM.