ebkalderon / tower-lsp

Language Server Protocol implementation written in Rust

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Client::configuration hangs

wiseman opened this issue · comments

The following code works in 0.13.3 but hangs in and after 7af7102:

let config = self.client.configuration(vec![
    ConfigurationItem {
        scope_uri: None,
        section: Some("rant".to_string()),

In the trace I can see the configuration data come back, but the future never resolves.

(Since it's getting close to a year since any changes have been made to this repo, I wonder if maybe someone like @ralpha would be interested in an alt fork to collect updates and fixes in the meantime, e.g. #264.)

@wiseman I sent an email to @ebkalderon so we know what his plans are with the repo.
Because I don't want to unnecessarily fork and publish a new crate if it is not needed.

I'll give it a few weeks if no further response was received we can work from there.

Check out lspower (active fork)


Sorry for the delayed response, everyone! Only recently looked into this thread and the backlog of work on this repo.

This seems like a pretty serious bug. Does it tie into the deserialization overlap fixed by #244 in any way?

I just double-checked locally, and it appears that #244 does indeed fix this bug. I'm checking to make sure that it doesn't break detection of other invalid messages, particularly those missing "method" keys.

So, it seems that while #244 fixes the specific serde error described, it actually breaks some intentional behavior defined by the JSON-RPC 2.0 spec, namely:

  1. Responding with status code -32600 (invalid request) to invalid requests missing a "method" and/or "id", e.g. {"jsonrpc":"2.0","params":{}}. Instead, we return -32700 (parse error), which is incorrect according to the spec.
  2. Not responding to notifications lacking a "method" or other fields, e.g. {"jsonrpc":"2.0"}. Instead, we return -32700 (parse error).

As such, I don't think that this PR is actually viable as a fix. 😞

Thankfully, there may be an alternative solution with judicious use of #[serde(deny_unknown_fields)] (being careful not to combine it with #[serde(flatten)], since that doesn't work). I can open up a PR with the changes in a few moments.

There exists an even simpler, shorter solution that seems to do the trick just as well, without breaking JSON-RPC specification invariants: reverse the order of the Incoming enum variants. 😛 This fixes the problem and gets the code in the issue description to work again, but it also preserves the correct JSON-RPC response codes as outlined in the previous comment. See PR #269 for the solution and an explanation of why this works.

CC @wiseman

Just wanted to give a friendly heads-up about the subtle drawbacks of PR #244, which was previously adopted in lspower as the solution for this issue. CC @silvanshade

Thanks, @ebkalderon. And I'm glad you're back!

Thanks, @wiseman! Glad to be back. It's been a pretty happening year and a half, to say the least.

@wiseman @ralpha This issue should be fixed in tower-lsp 0.14.0, among other improvements. 🎉

Great work! I'll be updating my repos to the new version soon. Thank you for the quick responses lately and welcome back :)