ebigram / emojisense

A simple markdown emoji autocompleter inspired by atom/autocomplete-emoji.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Does not work on Windows

sotakal opened this issue · comments

I can't get this plugin working on Windows 10 at all. If there's anything I can do to help troubleshoot, let me know.

Hi @sotakal, thanks for bringing this to my attention, I was about to set up my PC today, so admittedly only tested on MacOS. When I was debugging I ended up using keycodes to trigger completion events, so I think it just about reverting to using the keymap or having platform-specific branching logic. I'm also typically a heavy Win10 user, so this was not willful discrimination 😞 .

@sotakal can you try this now? It seems to be working for me. #6 fixed it hopefully.

Yes, works great for me with version 0.4.0, thank you!

Sadly, I have to reopen the issue, since the same version does not work on my work PC. I've tried everything, including disabling and uninstalling all other plugins, and eventually a complete reinstall of Inkdrop but nothing has helped.

Let me know how I can help troubleshoot.

Sorry just trying to repro. It seemed to work fine on my Win10 box, I am probably missing something. What do you think the difference is from your work PC? Thank you for the feedback!

Both are laptops. Asus Zenbook works fine, Lenovo T440s does not. The only significant software differentiator I could find is the OS build:

Asus: Win 10 Pro 1909, 18363.1082
Lenovo: Win 10 Enterprise 2004, 19041.508

Interesting Koraean/Japanese keyboard??

hm. Node version maybe?

While I was checking the Node version, and switching Inkdrop on and off, trying various things, the emoji dropdown suddenly started working. I did no change to my machine or installation. Ghost in the shell seems to have fixed it 👻 Closing again, must have been a glitch.

Thanks, I will automate the ghostbusters github action.

Okay, I've finally identified the issue!

I'm using two languages a lot and when I type in English, all is fine but when I switch to Czech keyboard, the plugin does not work with :

The : [colon] symbol is typed by Shift + . [full stop] on Czech keyboard.

I'm having this issue as well. Are there any news to this? I'm loving the plugin, but can't use it on my Norwegian keyboard :(