ebigram / emojisense

A simple markdown emoji autocompleter inspired by atom/autocomplete-emoji.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error on install

arkag opened this issue · comments

I get this error popping up on install. I think this occurred in v4 as well, but I'm now getting the error on v5.


Yeah, that's a very sad emoji 👎 . Thank you for reporting that, I'll look into it immediately.

Not ideal, but reverting to #f3c3a2f v0.2.2 should fix it for now. Seemed to happen when I was working against the beta, but that might not be relevant actually. @arkag please LMK if this regression resolves it, I've had a backlog I've been meaning to go through anyway.

Looks like that's the latest commit on my end: f3c3a2f, right? I just cloned and set this up via ipm link --dev.

In fact... Looks like the latest change to "real" code, which is to say non-document files, is at 706e28091ca5720caf187f6d61478aeab72d0d14. Weird...

Yeah that's cause I temporarily did some rebasing surgery while I figure this out. I'll play everything back in a bit, just wondering if that removed the offending issue for you or not, because I'm having trouble reproducing it. Either way, I figured out the issue, so I'll restore Inkdrop version <-> commit history parity soon.

It changed the error, if that helps haha


Ah, I suppose when running dev builds module management is important huh xD... I did npm i got some errors but it seems to be working now.

Well thanks for taking the time; I'm a bit green to front-end dev, but this will get its due diligence.

No worries! I would love to help get this working. Let me know if you need anything, though full disclosure I am very green on the Javascript side, haha.

Think it should be set, please open another issue if still running into problems since it should at least be a different one.