eaton / store

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Minimum Viable Datastore

A light cluster of interfaces that can be used to expose something resembling a document/kv store on top of wildly divergent backends or no backend at all. For the moment at least, work has stopped in favor of just using the keyv project.

How It Works

At its heart, this is just a wrapper for key-indexed document stores. There are some variations between storage systems that use a single bucket and ones that support named sub-buckets; storage providers can also (optionally) support lightweight querying of items in a given bucket. But that's optional.

Every object stored in the system has to follow a couple of basic rules:

  1. Must be serializable to JSON.
  2. May have a collection/bucket/value-type stored in its _collection property.
  3. May have a bucket-relative identifier stored in its _key property.
  4. Must have an _id property that consists of a _collection and a _key, separated by a slash.

When storing an item for the first time, if a _collection is given but no _key or _id is given, the Storage System should populate the _key value with a random or hash-based identifier. If only the _id property is supplied, it should be expanded and both _key and _collection should be populated based on its split value.



Language:TypeScript 100.0%