earthgecko / skyline

Anomaly detection

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Keep up the good work

blak3r2 opened this issue · comments

Hey Gary,

We worked together a bit last year. I'm no longer have access to my old email. Great to see you're still working on this.

@blak3r hey there Blake, good to hear from you. Yes still working on it. One has to sometimes ask one's self, have you strayed too for into no man's land? :)

I will hit you up on the email above and you may want to edit that comment above and redacted your address there, I checked you do not have it on your profile page, so if you do not want the MILLIONS of spam bots that devour earthgecko/skyline, like ravenous herds, to parse that, I suggest you edit and redacted it. LOL

MILLIONS is the name of a mythical organisation that does not exist, but if they did they would be rumoured to have spam bots and would have an avid interest in earthgecko/skyline, however they are mythical.

However, that said, there are spam bots out there and .... mining bots, However I doubt ANY of them have an interest in earthgecko/skyline, however if there was an organisation or group of entities that were interested in mining github were/are out there, (which for these purposes here, we shall hereafter refer to these aforemention entities as the ANY party), they could have/would definitely have bots for aforementioned purposes and therefore by association of earthgecko/skyline with the party known as, then at some point a bot might parse this. Although, in all probability, at no point soon, a spam bot that is.

Now API bots ... that is an entirely different, whole other can of cans, I am certain. Who knows what they get up to? Gamification of the masses.

Keeping up the good work. I am not 100% certain it is good work, but it works, (I think) :)