earlephilhower / arduino-littlefs-upload

Build and uploads LittleFS filesystems for the Arduino-Pico RP2040, RP2350, ESP8266, and ESP32 cores under Arduino IDE 2.2.1 or higher

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ESP32 support

dacarson opened this issue · comments

Please add ESP32 support.

It looks like it could be added similar to its predecessor, ESP8266. The command line tool is there on my mac:

I'd be willing to work on this myself, if you are able to provide instructions on how to build the VSIX file. I see that it is a deflate/zip file, but I am not sure how to build it.

The problem isn't making the filesystem, unfortunately (in fact, I think they use my mklittlefs tool or a close fork). The issue is the ESP32 partitioning infrastructure. I never really got into the ESP32 ecosystem and am unfamiliar with how they go about doing things like FS partitions/etc.

That said, a PR adding ESP32 support would be much appreciated!

My build-and-test.sh script simply calls

rm -f *.vsix
vsce package

to build the bundle. To remove old versions, build and install the edited one, and test it out I use:

rm -f *.vsix; vsce package && ( rm -rf ~/.arduinoIDE/plugins/* /tmp/vscode-unpacked/ ; cp *vsix ~/.arduinoIDE/plugins/. ) && ~/Downloads/arduino-ide_nightly-20230925_Linux_64bit.AppImage

For those following along, to build the project I needed to install a couple of npm packages:
npm install -g vsce
npm install -g typescript
npm install (post install script to fetch vscode libraries?)
npm install -g vscode-arduino-api
Lastly in tsconfig.json, add under compilerOptions "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true

To add support for ESP32 I examined this Java project: arduino-esp32littlefs-plugin.
The partitions offered in the menu map to CSV files. Parsing the CSV files, you can find the spiffs entry.

I was able to translate it from Java to Typescript, and merge it into your project.
Patch coming.

Great, thanks. I think I followed some online VSCode plug-in development blog to get those npm packages installed so your explicit listing is very handy. You may want to edit the readme.md file, too, to add those bits in for posterity if you have a second.

One thing, though, my tsconfig has no allowSynthetic... in it so maybe that's not really required (or maybe for the CSV/JSON parsing?):

$ cat tsconfig.json 
	"compilerOptions": {
		"module": "commonjs",
		"target": "ES2020",
		"outDir": "out",
		"lib": [
		"sourceMap": true,
		"rootDir": "src",
		"strict": true   /* enable all strict type-checking options */
		/* Additional Checks */
		// "noImplicitReturns": true, /* Report error when not all code paths in function return a value. */
		// "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, /* Report errors for fallthrough cases in switch statement. */
		// "noUnusedParameters": true,  /* Report errors on unused parameters. */

Without the change in tsconfig.json, I get a stream of errors like:

node_modules/ardunno-cli/dist/api/google/rpc/status.d.ts:1:8 - error TS1192: Module '"/Users/dacarson/Documents/GitHub/arduino-littlefs-upload/node_modules/protobufjs/minimal"' has no default export.

1 import _m0 from 'protobufjs/minimal';

and it fails to compile:

Found 14 errors in 14 files.

Errors  Files
     1  node_modules/ardunno-cli/dist/api/cc/arduino/cli/commands/v1/board.d.ts:1
     1  node_modules/ardunno-cli/dist/api/cc/arduino/cli/commands/v1/commands.d.ts:2
     1  node_modules/ardunno-cli/dist/api/cc/arduino/cli/commands/v1/common.d.ts:1
     1  node_modules/ardunno-cli/dist/api/cc/arduino/cli/commands/v1/compile.d.ts:1
     1  node_modules/ardunno-cli/dist/api/cc/arduino/cli/commands/v1/core.d.ts:1
     1  node_modules/ardunno-cli/dist/api/cc/arduino/cli/commands/v1/debug.d.ts:1
     1  node_modules/ardunno-cli/dist/api/cc/arduino/cli/commands/v1/lib.d.ts:1
     1  node_modules/ardunno-cli/dist/api/cc/arduino/cli/commands/v1/monitor.d.ts:1
     1  node_modules/ardunno-cli/dist/api/cc/arduino/cli/commands/v1/port.d.ts:1
     1  node_modules/ardunno-cli/dist/api/cc/arduino/cli/commands/v1/upload.d.ts:1
     1  node_modules/ardunno-cli/dist/api/cc/arduino/cli/settings/v1/settings.d.ts:2
     1  node_modules/ardunno-cli/dist/api/google/protobuf/any.d.ts:1
     1  node_modules/ardunno-cli/dist/api/google/protobuf/wrappers.d.ts:1
     1  node_modules/ardunno-cli/dist/api/google/rpc/status.d.ts:1
 ERROR  npm failed with exit code 2

Googling the issue, it can be fixed with the change to the tsconfig.json file

FWIW, I did not add the changes to tsconfig.json to the PR.

Would be interest to know if it compiles fine for you.

Yeah, I just tried w/o any changes to the tsconfig.json file and, after installing the newer vscode-arduino-api@^0.2.1 got those same errors. They were not present with earlier versions of the Arduino API, but no big deal.

Could you add the change to tsconfig.json to your PR, please?

OTW I just built and ran locally, LGTM!

It would be good to update the release to 1.1.0

Also update the project 'About' to include ESP32:-
"Build and uploads LittleFS filesystems for the Arduino-Pico RP2040 and ESP8266 cores under Arduino IDE 2.2.1 or higher."

Added the ESP32 to the about statement.

For some reason when I did the 1.1.0 release it wasn't set as the latest. Corrected and now shows up on the landing page.