ealeksandrov / ProvisionQL

Quick Look plugin for mobile apps and provisioning profiles

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MacOS Catalina 10.15 Issues

swain opened this issue · comments

I'm having trouble getting the plugin to work at all (for any of the supported filetypes) on my machine running macOS 10.15 Catalina. Install process goes fine, but whenever I quick look an IPA or an xcarchive, I just see the default quick look view.

Tried re-installing, but that didn't help. I'm not sure how to troubleshoot further. Is there a place I can look to see Quick Look errors?

Thanks for any help!

That's strange, can you confirm that you're using latest version?

You can try something like this (https://aleksandrov.ws/2014/02/25/osx-quick-look-plugin-development/):

# generate preview
qlmanage -p 1234.mobileprovision
# generate thumbnail
qlmanage -t 1234.mobileprovision

And to check file types and plugins associations:

qlmanage -m plugins | grep ProvisionQL.qlgenerator

@smolster Do you have Xcode installed? Perhaps you may want to look into this: Xcode Quick Look plugin collision

I'm using Catalina 10.15.3.
After running qlmanage -p y.mobileprovision, I got this.

Testing Quick Look preview with files:
2020-03-16 18:33:34.564 qlmanage[64807:498126] Failed to read provisioning profile "/Users/x/y.mobileprovision"
2020-03-16 18:33:34.637 qlmanage[64807:498126] *** CFMessagePort: bootstrap_register(): failed 1100 (0x44c) 'Permission denied', port = 0x7303, name = 'com.apple.coredrag'
See /usr/include/servers/bootstrap_defs.h for the error codes.
2020-03-16 18:33:34.837 qlmanage[64807:498126] *** CFMessagePort: bootstrap_register(): failed 1100 (0x44c) 'Permission denied', port = 0x14f1f, name = 'com.apple.tsm.portname'
See /usr/include/servers/bootstrap_defs.h for the error codes.

After running qlmanage -m plugins | grep ProvisionQL.qlgenerator

  com.apple.iphone.mobileprovision -> /Users/x/Library/QuickLook/ProvisionQL.qlgenerator (59)
  com.apple.application-and-system-extension -> /Users/x/Library/QuickLook/ProvisionQL.qlgenerator (59)
  com.apple.itunes.ipa -> /Users/x/Library/QuickLook/ProvisionQL.qlgenerator (59)
  com.apple.xcode.archive -> /Users/x/Library/QuickLook/ProvisionQL.qlgenerator (59)

I use same macOS 10.15.3 with no QL issues.

From error log looks like plugin is currently installed but qlmanage somehow can't read input test file. Never seen this kind of error before.
I'll search more but can't suggest anything now. Let us know if you find the solution.

Can you also try qlmanage -m plugins | grep provision? And maybe test ipa/archive?

I just noticed that you have com.apple.iphone.mobileprovision listed but missing com.apple.mobileprovision.

Maybe Xcode is overriding .mobileprovision QL as @Kiran-B suggested above.

My output is:

> ~ qlmanage -m plugins | grep ProvisionQL.qlgenerator
  com.apple.iphone.mobileprovision -> /Users/x/Library/QuickLook/ProvisionQL.qlgenerator (59)
  com.apple.application-and-system-extension -> /Users/x/Library/QuickLook/ProvisionQL.qlgenerator (59)
  com.apple.itunes.ipa -> /Users/x/Library/QuickLook/ProvisionQL.qlgenerator (59)
  com.apple.provisionprofile -> /Users/x/Library/QuickLook/ProvisionQL.qlgenerator (59)
  com.apple.xcode.archive -> /Users/x/Library/QuickLook/ProvisionQL.qlgenerator (59)
  com.apple.mobileprovision -> /Users/x/Library/QuickLook/ProvisionQL.qlgenerator (59)

BTW, I have same 2 errors for bootstrap_register in log, but preview works fine, so they are unrelated.

After running qlmanage -m plugins | grep provision:

  com.apple.iphone.mobileprovision -> /Users/x/Library/QuickLook/ProvisionQL.qlgenerator (59)
  com.apple.provisionprofile -> /Applications/Xcode-11.3.1.app/Contents/Library/QuickLook/DVTProvisioningProfileQuicklookGenerator.qlgenerator (15705 - loaded)
  com.apple.mobileprovision -> /Applications/Xcode-11.3.1.app/Contents/Library/QuickLook/DVTProvisioningProfileQuicklookGenerator.qlgenerator (15705 - loaded)

In /Applications I got Xcode-10.2.1.app, Xcode-11.2.1.app and Xcode-11.3.1.app because my work needs them.
I tried to rename Xcode-11.3.1.app to Xcode.app and reinstall ProvisionQL, the problem still exists.

You can re/move only DVTProvisioningProfileQuicklookGenerator.qlgenerator inside those Xcodes. And run qlmanage -r after that.

Similar problem with ipa file. Maybe because I installed Xcode11.5 on my Mac recently.
Finally solve it with follow command
➜ QuickLook xcode-select --print-path
➜ QuickLook sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode11.5.app/Contents/Developer

Closing this as I don't see any new bug reports and issue looks resolved.
Some additional info can be found in #37

Let's see what macOS 11 brings to us 🙂