ealeksandrov / ProvisionQL

Quick Look plugin for mobile apps and provisioning profiles

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[Bug/Feature Request] Dark mode support

916253 opened this issue · comments


Dark mode on macOS Mojave causes the text to change colors, but the background color remains the same, resulting in clashing colors which causes the text to become unreadable:

Strange, dark mode looks fine for me:


(+ #27 (comment))

macOS 10.14.3


Interesting-- I tried this on multiple machines, one on 10.14.3, and another on 10.14.4 Beta (18E194d)
both exhibited the same results.
Would it be possible for you to force the plugin to always use light mode (via bool NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance or similar)?

(In the meantime, I got lazy and just settled on setting the background color on my local copy to a color that doesn't conflict with the text in either mode, lol)

I don't remember doing any special settings, but I'll check on other macs anyway.

Thanks for sharing your solution :)

Full dark mode support added in #29 and released in 1.6.0 on Homebrew Cask.

Let's see if it fixes all your cases :)


Hey-- sorry for the super late response
Yeah, that seems to have fixed everything, awesome!