ealeksandrov / ProvisionQL

Quick Look plugin for mobile apps and provisioning profiles

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

It failed after reboot the macOS(Mojave).

paopaosa opened this issue · comments


After installed it works fine. Then it won't work anymore after reboot the macOS(Mojave).

Thanks for report, I don't use Mojave yet, will test when I have I time.

I found the same, it stopped working after upgrading to Mojave / Xcode 10.


It works well for me on Mojave. Are you sure, you're not colliding with Xcode plugin (#20)?



It works well for me on Mojave. Are you sure, you're not colliding with Xcode plugin (#20)?

It can't quicklook ipa file. after run 'qlmanage -r'. It works. But I reboot the Mojave. It failed again.

On my side quicklook works well for ipa too. I'll test more.


I install it on 2 Macs (Mojave / Xcode 10), there is same problem. It's very odd. Sometime it works. sometime it won't .
But on high serria / xcode 9.4, it works very well.
Btw: Your mac's serial number shows in your snapshot.It's not safe.

A lot of quicklook plugins failed after upgrade.

Any discussion/updates for other plugins?
I confirm that I still have this plugin working well on my Mojave installation.

Your mac's serial number shows in your snapshot.

Thanks for reminder, removed.


After upgrade to 10.14.1 Beta (18B67a), it works very well. I reboot my mac many times, it runs without any erros. and other pluigns are also working. I think it's a bug with the macOS.