ealeksandrov / ProvisionQL

Quick Look plugin for mobile apps and provisioning profiles

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MacPorts support?

lilyball opened this issue · comments

Since you support Homebrew, any chance of adding MacPorts support?

I'm supporting specifically Homebrew cask because:

  • it has built in Quick Look plugins support;
  • it was relatively easy to add;
  • I'm already using Homebrew on my local machine.

On other side it's not easy to deal with unknown (for me) MacPorts, but I see some Quick Look plugins there (example), so it indeed can be done.

I will keep issue open and tackle it someday because it's interesting for me to learn about MacPorts. But I can't guarantee that it would happen very soon.

Of course PRs always welcome - anyone can submit PR to MacPorts and I will accept PR to README with MacPorts related instructions.

MacPorts docs: https://guide.macports.org