eBay / nice-modal-react

A modal state manager for React.

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Problem with getting data from react-router-dom useParams hook

ArturKustyaev opened this issue · comments

Can't get data from react-router-dom useParams hook using it inside NiceModal.create() function.

CodeSandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/nice-modal-useparams-bug-dm3qz8

i have the same problem, any idea resolved it?

To use the router params, plz use the declarative way:

For example:

export default function AntdSample() {
  return (
      <Button type="primary" onClick={() => NiceModal.show('my-antd-modal', { name: 'Nate' })}>
        Show Modal
      <MyAntdModal id="my-antd-modal" {...otherProps} />

See the updated codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/nice-modal-useparams-bug-forked-riu9d7

but in your example i comment this line <Modal id="my-modal"/> and use show() method <Button onClick={() => NiceModal.show(Modal)}>show modal</Button> i have problem, because i used create method for register modal, any way for this?

See the updated codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/nice-modal-useparams-bug-forked-riu9d7

but in your example i comment this line <Modal id="my-modal"/> and use show() method <Button onClick={() => NiceModal.show(Modal)}>show modal</Button> i have problem, because i used create method for register modal, any way for this?

In case you want your modal to be rendered in the current context, it must be declared as a normal component and manage it by id.

An alternative way is get params in the component where you call modal.show then pass the parameters to the modal.

Thanks for the reply, i appreciate it ❤