eBay / Jungle

An embedded key-value store library specialized for building state machine and log store

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi ,eBay dose use it in a production envirement ?

triump2020 opened this issue · comments

@triump2020 Yes, it has been used in various use cases in many servers as a storage engine.

@greensky00 thanks for your quick response !
BTW, in ebay, has there been any case in where jungle has been used as a wal-raft-log store ? we want to multiplex it,
namely to improve the performance for the disk io , we plan to put multi wal-logs come from different raft groups into one
Jungle instance which correspond to one disk. is it feasible ? how did it performs? Thanks again !

Yes, one of the use cases of Jungle is the Raft log store, but we use one Jungle instance for each Raft group (there can be multiple isolated instances in a single process). If you want to share multiple log stores on a single Jungle instance, you may need to have a mapping from each log store's index number to Jungle's sequence number. That won't be easy while the benefit is questionable compared to having multiple Jungle instances.

@greensky00 Got it , thanks!