e-oj / Magic-Grid

A simple, lightweight Javascript library for dynamic grid layouts.

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Items stack on top of each other on the initial load until I resize

motdde opened this issue · comments

Items stack on top of each other on the initial load until I resize

Screenshot 2021-03-25 at 12 01 53

You need to set place the image in a div whose height is equal to the height of the image. That way, the grid item will always be the correct height even if the image loads slowly.

Sorry for necrobumping, I'm using the library for a dynamic number of images, but I'm facing the same issue as OP, even after setting the height of the div the same as the image it contains.

<div id="container-imagenes">
    {% for i in inmueble.imagenes_inmueble %}
        <div style="height:{{ i.thumb_height() }}px;">
            <a href="{{ url_for('static', filename='uploads/' + i.filename) }}"><img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='uploads/' + i.thumbnail) }}"></a>
    {% endfor %}

thumb_height() is a method that returns the image height in px from the backend

I'm initializing the grid like this:

let magicGrid = new MagicGrid({
    container: "#container-imagenes", // Required. Can be a class, id, or an HTMLElement.
    items: {{ inmueble.imagenes_inmueble | length }},
    animate: true // Optional.

but images appear stacked until I resize the window and the grid starts working. Am I missing something?