e-oj / Magic-Grid

A simple, lightweight Javascript library for dynamic grid layouts.

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Error in calculating number of columns

surimohnot opened this issue · comments

There is a minor but substantial error in calculating number of columns. I will try to explain it below,
As per your code,
column width = item width + gutter
number of columns = parent width / column width
However, last column don't need gutter. So it should be
number of columns = ( parent width + gutter ) / column width

you may need to change other related code as well.

That's actually not an issue. The gutter is on the left of each column and the first column doesn't get a gutter.

positionItems () {
    let { cols, wSpace } = this.setup();
    let maxHeight = 0;
    let colWidth = this.colWidth();

    wSpace = Math.floor(wSpace / 2);

    for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
      let col = this.nextCol(cols, i);
      let item = this.items[i];
      let topGutter = col.height ? this.gutter : 0;

      // Every column is moved from the left by the value of its index
      // multiplied by the width of a single column (colWidth). The trick 
      // is that the first column has an index of 0 and is not affected by
      // colWidth (0 * colWidth = 0). As a result it has no gutter. If you
      // follow the loop on paper, every other column gets a gutter to the left.
      let left = col.index * colWidth + wSpace + "px";

Is this part of a bigger concern though? Did you get any visual errors?

I forgot to mention that the "extra gutter" is added to the whitespace (wSpace), which is then split equally between both sides.

setup () {
    let width = this.container.getBoundingClientRect().width;
    let colWidth = this.colWidth();
    let numCols = Math.floor(width/colWidth) || 1;
    let cols = [];

    if (this.maxColumns && numCols > this.maxColumns) {
      numCols = this.maxColumns;

    for (let i = 0; i < numCols; i++) {
      cols[i] = {height: 0, index: i};
    // Extra gutter gets added to the overall whitespace
    // which is later split in half and used to center the grid.
    let wSpace = width - numCols * colWidth + this.gutter;

    return {cols, wSpace};

Yes, this is actually part of a bigger concern, which makes this awesome script practically useless for me. Actually I want to create a grid where columns are having flexible width. So my calculation was as follows,

let's say Gutter = 30px;

Now in my css I have

.column { width: 100%; } @media only screen and (min-width: 640px) { .column { width: calc(50% - 15px); // 30px Gutter for two column layout. } } @media only screen and (min-width: 1080px) { .column { width: calc(33.3333% - 20px); // 60px total gutter shared by three columns. } }

However, your script showing only 1 column above 640px and only 2 columns above 1080px (which should not happen).

Hope I am able to explain correctly.


I'm also questioning the need for this extra gutter, which is then split into half. This results into my grid having always a gap of at least half the gutter on the left and right hand-side, no matter how ideally I size my columns.

Let's take the following scenario:
container width=1230px
column maxWidth=400px

I would expect a perfect alignment from x=0 to x=1230. What I have instead is a gap of 5 at the left of the first column.

I believe I have a fix for this issue, and I opened a PR. See my proposed implementation of a responsive layout test/grid-responsive.html


had a similar issue, where my elements wouldn't align properly, even though the math was correct (2 columns, 10px gutter; element width: calc(50% - 5px)). the elements where center stacked (even though center is set to false). stevenamoody's edits solved my issue.