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Ghidra Dependency Help

yepitsbrian opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
First time using emba, installed per instructions but first run ended by flagging Ghidra as a missing dependency.
Is this a build issue or am I doing something wrong?

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. EMBA installation: sudo ./installer.sh -d
  2. Use the firmware available here: any
  3. Start EMBA with the following parameters: sudo ./emba -f [firmware]
  4. additional steps: Fails during dependency checks
  5. See error
GHIDRA - not ok
    Missing GHIDRA - check your installation

Some dependencies are missing - please check your installation
Looks like your docker container is outdated - please update your base image: sudo docker pull embeddedanalyzer/emba'.                                    
ERROR: 1                                                                     
[-] EMBA failed in docker mode!

Expected behavior
Pass dependency checks


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: e.g. Kali Linux 2023.4
  • EMBA version: current master branch
  • Installation method: default with up to date docker image

Priority issue
Are you already a Sponsor? - N

Additional context

  • Tried docker pull, but it shows as current version (696ae51efee5)

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This is an automatic message. Allow for time for the EMBA community to be able to read the issue and comment on it.

We have updated our Base Image last night. When have you pulled the repo and the docker Image? Probably they are out of sync

Same issue here, just cloned from the master branch and pulling the latest docker image on the latest and completely clean Kali VM. Installation also seems like it went flawless.


Will check this tomorrow

Seems like the path it's checking is ./external/ghidra/ghidra_10.3.1_PUBLIC/ghidraRun so it's treating it as a relative path instead of the correct, absolute path /external/ghidra/ghidra_10.3.1_PUBLIC/ghidraRun .

If this is the only dependency error you can try -F until we fix it

We have updated our Base Image last night. When have you pulled the repo and the docker Image? Probably they are out of sync

I don't remember exactly, but roughly 1500UTC on 11 Dec. Repo then docker image immediately following.

If this is the only dependency error you can try -F until we fix it

Thanks. I'll give that a try when I have a chance later.